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1disapointed Empty disapointed Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:43 pm



Hello, im very disapointed with ctw.In firsts days of january me and friend of mine, received our ctw´s.Good looking, nice finish, and the first impressions it´s very good.I made some shots with the ctw and it´s very acurate, good roof,etc.,perhaps i shot 10, 12 times in single and full.But then the gun begins to fail, like dont have energy and stop.I think it´s about the battery and recharge the battery and try again, Nothing, i try with another battery and only the blue light is still there, nothing more.My friend have the same problem as me, the same thing happened with him.The fuse is ok, the blue light is on, but nothing more.Friends this the 3º generation and i dont understand what happens.

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