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Want... want want want

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1Want... want want want Empty Want... want want want Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:01 pm



Well First I want a CQB CTW MX2...


Mags- prolly around 6 of them. The MAG mags or the Vargas (?)

Lipo- Stick type 11.1 (20c?) that will fit in the buffer tube

Magpul PRS stock (black)

Replica M900 tactical light grip.

Perfer to buy all at once... and that I have the funds to purchase at the time also helps greatly. Very Happy

Can you make this happen?!?!?!! Are you a miracle worker?!?!?!?

2Want... want want want Empty Re: Want... want want want Fri Mar 04, 2011 1:47 pm



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