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CTW X-Max performance so far..

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1CTW X-Max performance so far.. Empty CTW X-Max performance so far.. Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:45 pm



I'm planning on buying a CTW X-Max but there's little info on the reliability and performance of the X-max so far.

How has everyone's CTWs held up so far? Any problems?
How are Systema and MAG brand magazines working with the CTW?
What brand bbs are working the best in the Reformation barrel?

3CTW X-Max performance so far.. Empty Re: CTW X-Max performance so far.. Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:29 pm



Awesome, just what I was looking for. Thanks

4CTW X-Max performance so far.. Empty Re: CTW X-Max performance so far.. Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:52 pm



Valor's field testing is what I was interested in. Some actual feedback on skirmish usage instead of the usual evaluations on looks and indoor target practice.


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