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In Fear for my CTW

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1In Fear for my CTW Empty In Fear for my CTW Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:17 am



Hello. I am the proud new owner of a Celcius CTW MX2. Just received it today. My first impressions of this gun were amazement. It looks and feels better than any gun I've ever used. So onto shooting it. I purchased a systema 9.6v 1300mah battery. First time I shot it, it only increased my love for this new purchase. Heres the problem. when I pulled the battery off the silver contacts in the plug attached to the CTW came off the wires. I had never done this before, but figured it couldn't be to hard so I popped the contacts out and tried my best to get them recrimped around the wire. I then electrical taped the contacts to the wire and put them back in the plug. When I attached my battery back on it sounded like the gun tried to turn over and the light flashed on then off and I immediately disconnected the battery. When I opened the body the gears had done about a half rotation. I haven't messed with the plugs yet but am thinking about soldering the contacts to the wires. So heres my question. I have a game on sunday and really want to take this out. What is the best way to fix the plug? And the gun trying to run on safety and the light flashing on and off quickly scared me. Is there any chance that I may have fried my ECU? Thank you in advance for the feedback.


2In Fear for my CTW Empty Re: In Fear for my CTW Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:07 am



First off that battery is no good for that gun. your gun will turn off very quickly cause it has an auto shut off at 9 volts so that could be your problem also change to deans ultra plugs alot better and solder them on and make sure they dont come loose and yes its possible you could have done something to ecu but fix the wires and then recharge the battery and then connect it and see if one trigger pull works if so you shgould be ok but that battery is weak for that gun celcius recommends an 11.1v lipo

3In Fear for my CTW Empty Re: In Fear for my CTW Sat Apr 30, 2011 6:37 pm



So I finally put the new connectors on and hooked the battery up. Switched it to semi and got nothing. pulled the mosfet out and fuse was bad so i replaced that. however the gears are out of alignment. I tried semi then full then semi but they still end up spinning a bit too far. And now that i've done the connectors i see what you mean about the Deans ultra. So that'll be the next thing. What's the best way to realign the gears? If i can fix that and swap out the tamiya connectors with the deans and once i get my Lipo i think everything will be good.

4In Fear for my CTW Empty Re: In Fear for my CTW Sun May 01, 2011 4:20 am



Don't worry too much about that gear doing that. I asked claudio the same thing as systema's reset right. Manually reset it to the proper position. I have to do that with the ctw. Yea the deans are pretty good just make sure you solder them properly.

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