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Knight's Armament RAS M4A1

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1Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Empty Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:34 am



Up for sale is a set of Knight's Armament RAS rails. No covers and no vertical grip - only the rails.
Bought as used in January and slightly used since then. Pictures attached, they are real deal!
Can add a G&G vert grip copy if a buyer wants.

Payment: Paypal only
Price: 90 € + postage + Paypal fees covered by buyer.

Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0211w.th Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0212b.th Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0213.th Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0215n.th Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0216i.th Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Imag0217x.th

2Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Empty Re: Knight's Armament RAS M4A1 Tue Sep 27, 2011 9:49 am



pm send Very Happy

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