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Random Accuracy

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1Random Accuracy Empty Random Accuracy Sat May 15, 2010 9:19 am



With high speed 120 rounds celcius Magazine:

When i feed the mag nearly ~100 bb's my accuracy is really poor .
When it remain 60 or less the accuracy becomes nice.

Any idea why this happen ?

Thanks for help :p

2Random Accuracy Empty break in the mag springs Mon May 17, 2010 10:13 am



this is just a theory:

Seems like when the mag is full, the spring is under more tension and causes some loading issue. When you get down to 60rds (50%) capacity/tension on the spring your problem resolves itself.

I would try breaking in the mag spring by loading it to 120 and letting it sit for a few days. Unlaod to 100 and see what happens. If it is still inaccurate load it up to 120 again and double the time you let it sit until they get "broken in" enough to solve your problem.

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