Celcius CTW forum
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Celcius CTW forum

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1CTW vs. PTW Empty CTW vs. PTW Mon May 31, 2010 11:09 am



There is a new indoor facility opening up near me and the is the out door that i personally manage. obviously they both have different fps rules. So i want to get a ctw or ptw for the reason of the quick change cylinders. I just dont know which one. the way i see it buying a systema is just buying a name brand. I see no difference. If there is please enlighten me.

2CTW vs. PTW Empty Re: CTW vs. PTW Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:51 pm



You could always do what I am doing... buy both. There is a method to the madness though. When I need solid range (almost a DMR platform) I find the PTW is more consistent with its range and the accuracy of sending the BB in the same area. While I get a similar response from my CTW, I do find that the PTW is not as picky about BB's. My CTW only performs well with Bio BB's where as regular BB's tend to jam and slice apart in my hopup. My CTW works well, alas, I have had an issue arise every month or 6 weeks, where as the PTW stays without any issues in a long time.


3CTW vs. PTW Empty Re: CTW vs. PTW Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:06 pm



I also own both, my advice is this, if you are a hardcore player out every weekend and doesn't like to do any smith work get the Systema, mine has been flawless since I got it about 2 years ago. The Celcius... I have had to tinker with it, but its less than half the cost, when it functions it works almost as well as the PTW, I have replaced the electronics with a Systema up kit cost 330.00 plus cost of CTW 620.00= 950.00 still less than the cost of a PTW, if the gearbox goes Airsoft Extreme sells(sold out) the complete gearbox for 275.00, plus 950.00=1255.00 still less than a new PTW with money left over for at least an extra cylinder. The CTW has many flaws, at least the early ones, so be careful if buying used as I have, many of the early ones the paint flakes off easily and the electronics fail, the later have great improvements in both these areas, all have the same hop up as a PTW so the suffer the same vagueness as a PTW but both out perform any of my AEG's. Just my 2 cents.

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