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PTW & CTW Mix and Match

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1PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty PTW & CTW Mix and Match Wed Jan 25, 2012 10:24 pm



Hi all. New to Forum.

I'm a PTW owner. My friend wants the CTW due to the price difference.
What we want to know is: How Compatible are PTW and CTW Parts. Example... Complete Lower CTW (Gears), Complete Upper PTW (Cylinder)

I've seen that a Systema cylinder works in a CTW? Is that the same, CTW cylinder working in a PTW?

Mags CTW/PTW Issues?

Can parts from CTW work in the PTW?

What is the latest Version of the CTW? MX2? For 2012

Are there any recurring issues in the latest model. I'm looking to get the CTW in the UK via JD airsoft. Are they a good retailer?

Is there a great deal of difference between the 2 models PTW/CTW, apart from material (Metal/Plastic) to make them up!


2PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:44 am



Hey man!

Welcome to the forum!

Kithooton wrote:Hi all. New to Forum.

I'm a PTW owner. My friend wants the CTW due to the price difference.
What we want to know is: How Compatible are PTW and CTW Parts. Example... Complete Lower CTW (Gears), Complete Upper PTW (Cylinder)
the body is the same, so yes, you can use a ptw upper with a ctw lower or vice-versa
I've seen that a Systema cylinder works in a CTW? Is that the same, CTW cylinder working in a PTW?
never tried the ctw cylinder in a ptw, but i tested a ptw cylinder in 2 ctws so I guess it should work the other way around..
Mags CTW/PTW Issues?
unless they are broken, no issues there
Can parts from CTW work in the PTW?
of course, most of them (outer body parts, gearbox, motors etc); dunno about ecu+mosfet board; if I was to guess, I would say it should be compatible, but I never tested
What is the latest Version of the CTW? MX2? For 2012
indeed - careful not to buy older versions, they are less compatible with the ptw (eg cylinders)
Are there any recurring issues in the latest model. I'm looking to get the CTW in the UK via JD airsoft. Are they a good retailer?
the most popular issues are the motor bug (same as ptw) and nozzle problem (easy to fix); there were other problems too, but not so popular
Is there a great deal of difference between the 2 models PTW/CTW, apart from material (Metal/Plastic) to make them up!
same kind of material use on both - the ptw metal alloy could be better - so some say, but its still metal used on the ctw


3PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Thu Jan 26, 2012 12:17 pm



Thank you for a quick reply.

The nozzle problem? Thats only for CTW cylinders? Easy fix? What would you do to fix the problem?

I thought that the PTW metal quality is different compared the CTW? different shine? different plastic colour?

Thats good if mostly all parts work together. Upper and Lower! PTW/CTW

How would you know what model you get via UK Retail? The latest version. Does it say in the BOX, the Gun spec?

Whats the difference between Versions? MX1/MX2


4PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:11 pm



The ones supplied in the UK via JD and Badger Tac are supplied via a UK distributor calles S-T-T-S.

This distributor fits a new Stainlss Steel Air Nozzle to the weapon (it has a hex key internally to help do it up which you can see if you look into it - how you tell if its fitted). They also supply a 12 month UK backed warranty - you dont even get that with a PTW!!!!

The models in the UK are the MX-2 which have the 6.00mm barrel, blue LED battery indicator etc etc. To tell if its one of these, ensure it has been supplied to them via S-T-T-S which if it has will have their warranty card inside the box which you have t complete and send back to validate - simples!!!!

5PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:59 am



what is STTS? everytime someone mentions this company they never provide a link.

6PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:44 am



S-T-T-S or Specialist Tactical Training Solutions are the UK and Ireland distributor for the Celcius Weapons Platform.

They do not sell direct as a rule, but they are more than helpful as I have spoken to them several times with regards to their upgrade nozzles and a couple of special editions that they did in the UK, an SBS based on an M4 and a SEALS based on a CQB - email: info@s-t-t-s.co.uk

Apparently they are a subsiduary of a real steel weapons manufacturer who are looking to supply to the Police and Military as real ammo is becoming very expensive. cheers

7PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Buying Set Lower / Upper Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:00 pm



Can you buy Separate Upper's and Lower receivers for CTW

If so... Where can i buy one?

Last edited by Kithooton on Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : editing)

8PTW & CTW Mix and Match Empty Re: PTW & CTW Mix and Match Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:44 am



Not known at the moment - try and find a second hand one.

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