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For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD

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1For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Empty For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Fri Mar 02, 2012 8:29 am



For sale my Celcius M4A1 standard length.

For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Gkcelsius001
For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Gkcelsius002
For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Gkcelsius003

For further information,xtra pics or anything else please dont hesitate to ask
The price is 300 euros + shipping costs I accept only paypal (or if you are in Athens Greece a hand to hand transaction Razz )
The CTW is sold as it appears in the photos without battery or charger
It has been with me for 1,5 year and performed flawlessly, it has operated only with the 350 cylinder and the 9,6 volt systema battery

Thank you for reading

Last edited by moric on Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:29 am; edited 1 time in total

2For sale Celcius M4A1 ctw EU sale SOLD Empty Rusty question Sun Mar 11, 2012 5:24 pm



Im interested about your M4A1,but I see that all over the body and midcap is rust?
Did you play at rain,or what?
Best regards from Croatia!



First off all pls forgive my late reply.
I have played in high humidity enviroment (next to a river) but it has not been exposed in rain.



Have a p.m.



The CTW has been sold
Thank you all for your interest

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