Celcius CTW forum
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Celcius CTW forum

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1Hello there Empty Hello there Tue May 15, 2012 7:48 am



My name is John and I couldn't see a 'new members' area

I live in Cardiff, Wales, UK and have a few other hobbies besides airsoft. Road racing, fishing and I'm a proud member of the 501st Legion Smile

I don't have a CTW ATM but am on the lookout for a good one.

If anyone know of any good stockists or has one for sale quite local, please let me know

Many thanks


2Hello there Empty Re: Hello there Tue May 15, 2012 11:01 am



Hi there & welcome to the forum Smile
There are only 2 official stockists in the U.K. of the CTW. They are BadgerTac & JD Airsoft.
Hope you have luck in getting your hands on a CTW Smile

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