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My CTW - awaiting a service

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1My CTW - awaiting a service Empty My CTW - awaiting a service Fri May 25, 2012 4:50 am



I haven't been posting much as my CTW is currently away at Badgertac for a service, it now sounds like it needs more work that I first thought Sad

I'm awaiting the bad news after the weekend.

I’m still excited to get my gun back, and use it for the first time in a skirmish. I’m going to be really fussy with this one, and I will not use it until it’s perfect. Having said that I don’t expect this gun will replace all my AEG’s, it will be used in the same rotation as the rest of my guns, so it won’t be trashed. I’m still excited to get it back, I can’t wait.

2My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Fri May 25, 2012 5:52 am



Whats it in for - warranty work or just a 'tweak'?

3My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Fri May 25, 2012 5:57 am



I bought it second hand, it was firing OK, but I wasn't happy with it, so I sent it in for a service. They phoned my yesterday to say that it has a few more problems than I first thought, they will let me know the full story after the weekend.

4My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Fri May 25, 2012 6:03 am



Keep the faith - when there working they are the 'muts nuts' and you will be well impressed with it.

Ask if you need help - thats what the forums for......


5My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Fri May 25, 2012 5:51 pm



BadgerTac have got both my CTW's in for tweaking due to various "issues", won't go into the sorded details seeing as everyone knows the problems with these lol!
They've also done the gear upgrade & I should be getting them back next week sometime Smile
I've had them since December last year & I've used them for one & a half game days since then but i will say when they were working they were great! lol!

6My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Sun May 27, 2012 5:59 pm



I'm really looking forward to getting it back, it's TT here at the momen so there will be no more games for 2 weeks. I would hope I get it back for the next game.

7My CTW - awaiting a service Empty Re: My CTW - awaiting a service Sun May 27, 2012 7:00 pm



I'm picking my CTW's up this week cheers & hope to post some pics up ASAP Very Happy

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