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Way of using CTW..

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1Way of using CTW.. Empty Way of using CTW.. Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:27 am



Dear all,

I just got my CTW last 2 days. But yesterday my CTW is down mainly due to the fuse burn. So i sent for changing fuse.

I got 1 question, when we are at automatic mode, can we just continous fire without releasing the trigger for few seconds such as 5 to 10 sec or until the magazine empty. My friend told me this way will spoil the gun. Is this the wrong way of using airsoft gun??

Thanks for your comment...

2Way of using CTW.. Empty Re: Way of using CTW.. Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:21 am



Dear Kiasi,

The Maxium you should hold the trigger is for 4 seconds if not it may burn the motor maybe that was the reason why the fuse burn down.

3Way of using CTW.. Empty Re: Way of using CTW.. Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:36 pm



3 seconds if you are in the UK and want to keep your warranty.

http://tw-owners.co.uk for more info.


4Way of using CTW.. Empty Re: Way of using CTW.. Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:11 am



Yes ... I would agree 3 second is the best to avoid the damage and prolong the life of the gun The cost of the damage may be quite expensive.

5Way of using CTW.. Empty Re: Way of using CTW.. Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:02 am



The ECU on the MX-3 has a sensor which detects if the trigger has been pulled for 3 seconds and can be checked by the supplying dealer.

If it indicates you have pulled the trigger for more than 3 seconds then Celcius / the distributor will not cover the warranty.

Try setting it for 3 round burst, as this is also the best method for getting the maximum amount of battery life.

Hope that helps.

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