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I want to trade/swap me a CTW

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1I want to trade/swap me a CTW Empty I want to trade/swap me a CTW Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:59 am



Is there someone thats have a ctw for a trade?
Dosent care if it broken or not

I have a very nice pdw full metal, 12 magazin, reddotsite
And u can get u a M14 semi sniper

Ctw must ship to sweden
And am sorry for my english Smile

Thnx magnus

2I want to trade/swap me a CTW Empty Re: I want to trade/swap me a CTW Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:37 am



PM sent. Let me know if you do not get it. None of my PM's have been going through for some reason.

3I want to trade/swap me a CTW Empty Re: I want to trade/swap me a CTW Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:17 pm



no i have not get your pm u can try to mail me


thnx mange

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