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WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver

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1WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver Empty WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:21 am



hi everyone
I want to sell upper and/or lower receiver of my CTW M4
Condition - good, bordering on excellent. No scuffs or scratches.
The only disadvantage is that LWR-021 come off and lost from Lower receiver. But the price of this part as much as USD$1.00 (!!!) so I don't see any problem to buy it and install.

Here is photos -
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver 1a8ef22ba2a1t
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver 88ab75516665t
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver 0c9224312fbft
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver 129b328f93e8t
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver E5c5149cfa1ft
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver 50482029a649t
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver C13f82c8a3f5t
WTS: Sale Upper and Lower receiver Bc8d8b5f224ft

Price - want USD$100.00 for upper+lower but if you REALLY want to buy - PM me, we will find solution Smile

Can shipp worldwide

best regards, Andrey

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