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CTW CQB magazine feeding problem

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1CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Sat Apr 10, 2010 1:58 am




i've just tested my brand new CTW CQB last night.

it came included with a High speed CTW mag.
(and a bag of CTW BBs)

when i shoot in semi , 50% of the times the gun is dry firing.

When shoot in full auto, 20% of times the gun dry fires.

When i lay the gun down flat on the table, 90% it dry fires.

i released the mag to check , and the BBs are still full, sometimes CTW stops shooting and i thought it's out of BBs, so i released the mag to check.... and guess what.. it's still full of BBs!!! whats wrong with it?

NOTE: Both the mag & gun is brand new out of the box...

are any of you getting this problem too? How do i fix this problem?


2CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:24 am



i had the same problem i removed the bb follower from the top of the mag and it now feeds perfectly . the follower seems to get stuck inside the mag where feed tube bends .
if not pm me and ill go through another thing you can try ..
hope this helps .


3CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Sun Apr 11, 2010 4:37 pm



Thanks kris,

now i got a new problem, my motor seems to be dead now..., i'm getting a replacement motor from the CTW dealer here. it seems to take 10 days for the motor...

i'll try that tip once i recieve my new motor replacement.
if there are any other methods please let me know, so i can try them if it doesnt work.



4CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:58 pm



If you have feeding issues, try differnt BBs. I have had nothing but trouble in the past with Excel , TSD and more recently with KSC BBs.


5CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:05 am



i'll try other BBs out.

the ones i've had problems with are premium grade Golden Ball BBs, and Celcius BBs - the dealer gave me a bag to try out, (both 0.2 G & 0.25G ) have mis feeding issues.

which brands do you recommend for best results?

i'm still waiting for the CTW dealer to change new motor for me.
i'll let you know the results once my CTW starts shooting again.


6CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:09 pm



i only use excel .23 in my ctw i did have a feeding problem when i first got it but since ive removed the follower from the mags it has been working fine . there is one other tip you can try . the fuse cover in the stock tube has shims on the back of it if you remove one of these it helps as it allows the cylinder to sit back a little further which allows the nozzle to come back that extra little bit which helps with the feeding . but try the follower first if this does not help remove one of the shims .


7CTW CQB   magazine feeding problem Empty Re: CTW CQB magazine feeding problem Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:08 am



Good news guys,

i've finally got my motor replaced and everything seems to be working fine now.

the BB mis-feed was seem to caused from a magazine defect, it seems to be working fine after some repairs.

i've bought a LIPO battery 11.1V 12 C & 20 C. the repair guy informed only to use the 20C one... is it possible to use the 12C also? will it cause any damage to the ctw?


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