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Ctw mx2 gearbox

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1Ctw mx2 gearbox Empty Ctw mx2 gearbox Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:44 pm



Ok so I just took apart my new mx2 from airsplat last night (bought it and it didn't have a motor plate and the cylinder had a chunk missing from the gears hitting it ) but it worked fine out of the box great range and accuracy with .38s. Well after firing it it sounded loud and not as crisp as my ptw I assumed bad machining job on the gearbox and whatnot. (didn't expect much from this gun bought it for the cqb body and reciver as my ptw is an older gen3 with all custom machine work and a max gearbox, and is beat to he'll). Back to the ctw gearbox, I removed it and opened it up and to what do I find the sun gear bearing had exploded all the balls were missing and the gears were chipped 3 teath were no longer there the planetary gears were all chewed up so I figured the bearings must have fallen Ito them and distroyed the teeth. took it all apart cleaned all the parts filed all the beet edges of the gears making them smooth again took my digital caliper and measured some stuff the seats were the bearings sit were about .002 off from the bearing outer diameter probably why the gearbox still functioned (so much play like an ak47) had this happen to a systema it would have locked up. But anyway put it back together without the bearing and shimmed the gearbox better ( coke can) and put it back In and it worked better than it did, it won't last missin teeth from the main sun gear but it still worked and was nice and crisp all and all ok gun if you don't expect much . I'd say that you should buy a ptw gearbox and put that in it and you shouldn't have any problems . Most of you frying fuses and motors should check the gearbox to much constant load on the motor other than pulling back the spring will burn it out just because it turns over fine doesn't mean there isn't something wrong or it isn't dirty take it apart and check remove the thin metal shim from the gearbox if need be like I did and re shim and u should be golden check the

2Ctw mx2 gearbox Empty Re: Ctw mx2 gearbox Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:46 pm



was wondering if anyone else had this problem or if my suggestion helps

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