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CTW GearBox

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1CTW GearBox Empty CTW GearBox Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:13 pm



Where can i buy an already assembled CTW GearBox? I know where i can buy a PTW one, buut i'd rather not have to spend 250+$$ on a Systema one. Celcius gearbox's and parts are just as good, and a fraction of the cost.

2CTW GearBox Empty Re: CTW GearBox Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:40 pm



SPONGE wrote:Where can i buy an already assembled CTW GearBox? I know where i can buy a PTW one, buut i'd rather not have to spend 250+$$ on a Systema one. Celcius gearbox's and parts are just as good, and a fraction of the cost.

have you tried to contact Hotpsot Airsoft? They might be able to hook you up. They have pretty good Customer Service.

3CTW GearBox Empty Re: CTW GearBox Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:00 pm



I know they do, Jason (i think) from HSA in NY is awesome!

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