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New CTW purchased - has anybody had the same 'hick ups'???

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New hear but have finally seen the light and purchased 2 x CTW's as 1/2 the price of s Systema and then you dont have to send it off to Tackleberry for £300+ of mods to make it work lol!

Had a couple of slight issues and would like to ask if any body else has had the same thing:

1) Nozzle's on cylinders break off - I have broken 2 cylinder nozzles in less than 500 BB's as there appears to be a weak point where the 2 halves screw together, has this happened to anybody else?

2) Gun stops firing when mag is empty - great, just as supposed to happen, but when a fresh mag is inserted I do not need to push the bolt release to continue - is there a fix for this?

Thank you in advance for any comments. Very Happy




well congrats on your new purchase and ptw dont need to be sent to tack to be able to work and they are so much better than a ctw. I used to own a ctw and a bunch of my teammates own them. We were very pleased but the common problems are that the air nozzle breaks, piston breaks, motors stop working, ecu problems, mosfet problems, some are lucky and only a motor goes down some have no problems and some have all problems. It is luck of the draw. as for the bolt release on some guns it works properly some it doesnt and i know the vanaras makes fixed that problem for me



the braking nozzle problem: you have 2 open the cylinder, unscrew the head form the nozzle side, take the nozzle out, then unscrew the piston head screw, then use some locktite, screw it back in, let 24h to dry, and you're set; more info here
the bolt catch has a fix also, you have to open the mags though, im not sure exactly how to fix it, but if i remember correctly, you have to put a drop of oil lube on the leverage inside the mag that's operating the bolt catch - para can tell you more here, he repaired mine..

4New CTW purchased - has anybody had the same 'hick ups'??? Empty Thanks for the advice, BUT...... Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:42 am



Thanks for the info ref.the cylider mod, but the problems I have had is with the nozzles that break off where they are threaded together through the cylinder head - it appears to be a weak point?

Any help with the mag issue with regards to the bolt stop mechanism would also be gratefully received as would like to get it working as it should.

Thanks once again for everybodies help.




maybe i was too brief.. so:
the nozzle breaks because the screw that keeps coming loose, so to fix this, you need 2 put some locktite to that screw, its not necessary to do the entire cylinder mod, just locktite that screw




Thanks for the reply - the screws seem pretty tight, but I will also perform the 'washer' mod when I replace the nozzles to give them a bit more strength and we will see what happens Laughing .

Thanks once again.

Do you know of any other 'issues' that I should address with my new M4's to ensure that they run smooth??? Rolling Eyes

Your help gratefully appreciated.




I've just returned from this year's Berget game, where my CTW performed flawless. Had a BB jam in the middle of a 200-man firefight with no cleaning rod around, tried a radio antenna... a bit too thick, then solved it with a tree branch Smile
My MX2 has a broken nozzle, two broken pistons and a dead motor as operational history. Pistons are Systema now, as is the hopup chamber shell, otherwise the rest is original Celcius.
I'm also the sole Celcius operator in a team of Systema users and I'm the team's gunsmith so I can compare the two. The whole ideea is that you get what you pay for. If you want an out-of-the-box reliable piece of equipment and if you can afford the price-tag, then by all means, buy a Systema. It's a marvel to shoot once you've fine-tuned the hop, and the motor bug is a thing of the past according to the last three challenge kits I've built. The rest of the tricks that Tack does to the PTW's are easy DIY if you have the know-how.
If you can't afford Systema's price, then by all means get a CTW. But I reccomend that you either have a technical background, like to tinker with your car engine or with a soldering iron. If you know how to change a spark plug, a defective PSU, build a model airplane or anything like that, how to operate an oscilloscope or maybe a milling machine... then you're qualified for a Celcius. If you're an accountant with shelves full of postal stamps, or a cook who collects dead butterflies... buy a Systema !!!




Para wrote:
If you can't afford Systema's price, then by all means get a CTW. But I reccomend that you either have a technical background, like to tinker with your car engine or with a soldering iron.

+1 You HAVE to know how to troubleshoot/repair it yourself.




Celicus is a joke...Cant believe they are still in business...

Sitting on a $800 POS that sits on my shelf...this is after

Several broken nozzles AFTER the fixes...2 motors (original and backup) that have supposedly been repaired by Claudio 2 weeks after being brand new... and a whole hop chamber swap 3 weeks after new where I had to mill out the inside of the Brass ring to stop the constant BB jams.

Just got back from Pine PLains V this past weekend.....

Put 2 mags through it and then NADA (good thing KWA was there to back me up!)...blue light on and no motor action...SUPPOSEDLY Celcius is in the process of building a new core and motor to send to Claudio (Hotspot) to replace the 2 motors I have...been hearing this for a while now...maybe if that fixes the LAST issue I might have a working CTW for more then 4 mags (the most I have EVER shot out of it without some sort of issue) and the CTW is only 3 months old...

You have a 50/50 shot of getting a working CTW with little issues...if you have that kind of money to roll the dice...be my guest!



Para wrote:. But I reccomend that you either have a technical background, like to tinker with your car engine or with a soldering iron. If you know how to change a spark plug, a defective PSU, build a model airplane or anything like that, how to operate an oscilloscope or maybe a milling machine... then you're qualified for a Celcius. If you're an accountant with shelves full of postal stamps, or a cook who collects dead butterflies... buy a Systema !!!

funny shit right there...I can break down and rebuild anything put in front of me and wield a soldering iron like a champ...and I still say get a credit card and buy and Systema!!!



Thanks to everyone for all the information and advice - I am looking to possibly supply the PTW with a UK warranty but I wanted to get some feedback with regards to possible hick ups that could be rectified BEFORE they are supplied to shops for sale. Smile

I do own 2 rifles personally that I bought for use at events, and both have worked well apart from the nozzle issue and 'magazine catch' issue as originally mentioned.

I do believe that for a package of a rifle, Lipo battery, 4 spare mags, battery charger / balancer, upgrade cylinder and a few other 'odds n sods' for £849 there must be a market as this is still half the price of a Systema and most people are having to watch the pennies at the moment as things are geting tough with all the price increases on everything.

Please keep the comments coming cheers



DOW_n3Co wrote:funny shit right there...I can break down and rebuild anything put in front of me and wield a soldering iron like a champ...and I still say get a credit card and buy and Systema!!!

Main issue here is that you're accustomed with money-back-guarantees and warranty service. I'm at the end of a week-long (at least) shipping line with a $100 per trip price-tag to get my gun to Claudio or an equivalent HK guy, So I'm DIM. Doing It Myself Smile
If you don't go thru' every step all by yourself, get accustomed to the internals, the sounds, the feeling... then you treat your Celcius like a Systema, and you haven't paid the price Cool




Para wrote:
DOW_n3Co wrote:funny shit right there...I can break down and rebuild anything put in front of me and wield a soldering iron like a champ...and I still say get a credit card and buy and Systema!!!

Main issue here is that you're accustomed with money-back-guarantees and warranty service. I'm at the end of a week-long (at least) shipping line with a $100 per trip price-tag to get my gun to Claudio or an equivalent HK guy, So I'm DIM. Doing It Myself Smile
If you don't go thru' every step all by yourself, get accustomed to the internals, the sounds, the feeling... then you treat your Celcius like a Systema, and you haven't paid the price Cool

I am not accustomed to anything...when you receieve a product it should be at least working out of the box. Claudio has done everything he can...trust me Hotspot is not the issue...its Celcius...I dont care if it is half the price of a Systema...it should be working for more then 4 mags.

the one last thing that is the issue is the wiring in the motor...I dont respin motors...everything else but that...so I am waiting on the new cores from Celcius. Hopefully then I will have a working CTW.

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