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WTS: 2011 CTW MX2

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1WTS: 2011 CTW MX2 Empty WTS: 2011 CTW MX2 Mon Nov 21, 2011 3:13 pm




I have a 2011 CTW MX2 that is practically unused, bought it new in March and have used it maybe 3 times. I have switched to all HPA guns (P* and Daytona Gun) so I really do not need this anymore.

Looking for $875 shipped Continental US only, would come with 11.1v Celcius lipo and charger, (10) 30/60/90/120+ round adjustable Black Vanaras Mags w/ Ranger Plates (all feed great), 1 CTW mag, the CTW w/ custom Magpul MOE grip, replica DD Omega X rail as well as the original CTW parts (handguard, delta ring and pistol grip). WIll also come with the original box, CD and manuals.

Here's a picture of it, would not include the SureFire, PEQ, RVG, or ACOG.

WTS: 2011 CTW MX2 CIMG2406

2WTS: 2011 CTW MX2 Empty Re: WTS: 2011 CTW MX2 Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:39 pm




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