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Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb

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1Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Empty Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:20 am



hey guys I'm selling my 2011 celcius btw (has the 6.00mm tbb)... the reason why I'm selling it is because I'm going off to school and won't have time to airsoft and i would rather have someone use it then it sit in my room.... I'm looking for $800 (US dollars) plus shipping. Only put maybe 2000 rounds thru it.

Comes with:
- 4 vanaras mags (black)
- 11.1 1200mah 20c battery
- lipo balance charger
- 7 inch RIS rail (metal)
-plus the 120rd mag that came with the gun.

* battery and gun wired to deans already = better trigger response and better battery life Very Happy

2Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Empty Re: Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:10 pm



price can be slightly negotiable

3Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Empty Re: Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:51 pm



price drop to 650 plus shipping ... the gun has no scratch marks or anything. it is like new!Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Photo-11

4Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Empty Re: Selling my 2011 MX-2 CTW cqb Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:53 pm




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