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Motor Failure

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1Motor Failure Empty Motor Failure Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:08 pm




I owned two celcius and each time the motor fail about 3000 shots.
I use only celcius lipo battery 11,1v /1200mah/20C and always charged in balance mode.

When i pull the trigger ,nothing happen ... I take off the hand grip to see what's wrong with the motor.
If i push the rotor up to a certain position the motor run but just for this time.
And it's the same in single or full auto.
It seems that one of the three "winding" is not electrically supplied any more.

Here is the facts Smile

Now ,i'd like to know how many ctw owners had to change their motor ? Shocked
How many shots they've already did ?

I clarify that i'm not a brute No ,i really take care of my celcius but 2 motors in one month ... it makes me really thoughtful

Thanks for your attention.

2Motor Failure Empty Re: Motor Failure Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:06 pm



I own 6 CTW's, of these... two have exprienced motor issues, from what I'm told... when they cloned the PTW they copied it and also all the PTW's flaws, one of which is the motor. I have sent 2 motors to a guy on the Systema User forum, his name is Tackleberry, he owns a shop in the United Kingdom, he has rebuilt both and both are reinstalled and are much quieter than they where originally. The systema user forum is a great sourse of information for all things PTW/CTW, just read before you post as they will flame you pretty quick on there, also they kinda look at the CTW as a P.O.S. so I mostly read the tech problems and buy some parts there, I have yet to see anything that won't interchange from PTW to CTW.

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