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selling celcius ctw $750 shipped CONUS

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1selling celcius ctw $750 shipped CONUS  Empty selling celcius ctw $750 shipped CONUS Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:54 pm



it will come with 1 systema mag, 3 mag brand magazines, reformation barrel 2, 10 inch noveske rail system, and maybe an extra cylinder. i can include a second motor and mosfet if someone is interested. I may also include a C-more reflex sight with a minor crack but has sealed it up with gorilla glue. there is also an option to include a troy claymore flashhider (my favorite, if you must have then it is yours) and there is no dust cover.

i will give you pics if you want it



i might go for as low as $700 and no part-outs sorry



can you post pics and specify what model it is?

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