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cylinder matching to barrel

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1cylinder matching to barrel Empty cylinder matching to barrel Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:30 am



Soon to be a celcius mx2 owner courtesy of gycu, now im wondering if like a normal aeg, when i want to eventually change the outer barrel to a cqbr length (along with inner) do i have to get a ported cylinder to match air volume from cylinder to barrel. thanks joe

2cylinder matching to barrel Empty Re: cylinder matching to barrel Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:51 am



Strangely, this is the first time I hear someone talking about this with the ctw/ptw. Never thought about it myself either.
From what I know, there are no other cylinders then the standard ones: ctw (mx2) and ptw (compatible with mx2).

3cylinder matching to barrel Empty Re: cylinder matching to barrel Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:08 am



So i should be fine just getting the cqbr setup then. Doesnt sound normal though, thought there would have been ported cylinders etc. But then again ilwhen you swap a 500fps cylinder in there, you dont also put in a longer barrel to compensate.

Funny thing is though, why are we doing this in lower end guns but not the so called proffessional training weapons?

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