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Cylinder problem

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1Cylinder problem Empty Cylinder problem Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:38 pm




I bought a second hand CTW andI have a problem with my cylinder, I think the picture tell the whole story.

Cylinder problem WP_000116
Cylinder problem WP_000115
Cylinder problem WP_000114

Does anyone know what part I need to replace, or anyone who will replace this part for me.

2Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Sun Apr 22, 2012 4:58 pm



3Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:09 am



Ah, the common broken air nozzle - its THE weakspot of a CTW.

You can simply buy another CTW nozzle and you'll have the same problem, OR cobtact JD Airsoft in Cannock as they sell the UK upgraded one from the distributor S-T-T-S which is made from CNC stainless steel - end of problem (they ship worldwide as well).

DO NOT buy a Ststema one as they do not fit as a rule - the colar on the front part of the nozzle (the bit that snapped off on yours that has a black O ring under it in your picture) is a fraction bigger and wont fit into the CTW hop chamber.


4Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:52 am



Great, Problem sorted. a STTS nozzle is on it's way to me.

Thank you very much for teh help guys.

5Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:35 am



Sunray wrote:Ah, the common broken air nozzle - its THE weakspot of a CTW.

You can simply buy another CTW nozzle and you'll have the same problem, OR cobtact JD Airsoft in Cannock as they sell the UK upgraded one from the distributor S-T-T-S which is made from CNC stainless steel - end of problem (they ship worldwide as well).

DO NOT buy a Ststema one as they do not fit as a rule - the colar on the front part of the nozzle (the bit that snapped off on yours that has a black O ring under it in your picture) is a fraction bigger and wont fit into the CTW hop chamber.


Thank you again for the answer, bt a quick question about the Systema one, can I replace the nozzle with a Celcius part and make it work fine?

6Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:40 am



The CTW and PTW ones have different threads and dont match, sorry.

The only other option is to buy the Systema BR-021 Hop Chamber and the Systema nozzle will then be fine but its another £15 and nobody has any in stock.


PS The STTS upgrade one WILL fit in the PTW hop Chamber if you later retro fit it.

7Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Thu May 10, 2012 4:32 pm



Hey i was wondering if you guys owuld be able to post a link to that replacment S-T-T-S part, I had this happen to me a couple weeks back and I have been trying to find a replacment part.

8Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Fri May 11, 2012 4:02 am



No problem:


Look under cylinder parts and its the STTS upgrade nozzle you want. (if the link doesnt work, their website is www.celcius-ctw.co.uk and look under the spares and upgrades header)

OR - email them direct at info@s-t-t-s.co.uk and they are pretty good at answering all your questions.


9Cylinder problem Empty Re: Cylinder problem Fri May 11, 2012 4:25 pm



Thank you very much for the information.

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