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Cylinder help

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1Cylinder help Empty Cylinder help Mon Mar 19, 2012 9:32 pm



Hello, I am new to these forums and also a new CTW owner. I just ordered my CTW from evike.com and so far the two times that I have got to use it I love it, but the other day I was using it and the air nozzle broke on the cylinder. So my question is how easy is this to fix and is the air nozzle two pieces ? I went on to evike.com and did some looking around for a replacement and what I found for the air nozzle is the piece that broke on mine, so I am thinking that it is a two piece air nozzle. I would appreciate any help or comments. Thank you

2Cylinder help Empty Re: Cylinder help Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:37 am



Yes the nozzle is 2 piece. You need a allen wrench and plier.

3Cylinder help Empty Re: Cylinder help Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:23 am




What you experienced is a common problem for the ctw. Pretty easy to fix. Read this https://celcius-ctw.forumotion.com/t236-nozzle-breaking-ctw-mx2

4Cylinder help Empty Re: Cylinder help Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:34 am



Its a common fault with the CTW.

There is now an upgraded one for the CTW available in the UK via JD Airsoft or Badger Tac. It is made from weapons grade stainless steel and is 'bomb proof'.

Ping them an email for a price including shipping - its about £15 for the front and rear part combined. cheers

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