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Bevel Gear shimming

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1Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Bevel Gear shimming Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:06 am




my question is: "how to shim the CTW Gearbox Bevel Gear"

i brought a used CTW. The Gearbox was opened so i cant say
how its "right". the shims are not the original ones.

Also i´m wondering why there are differences between PTW and CTW
in this point.

A PTW uses 3 shims - 2 under the Gear, one on top. A CTW uses ony 2 on top.


Bevel Gear shimming  ArthurDent-1146


Bevel Gear shimming  ArthurDent-1147

My question :

how thick are the original shims with PTW / CTW ?
how are the gear shims within Your GB ?
(Like PTW with 3 shims / with only 2 / both on top or on
both sides ?)

Thx Arthur

2Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Re: Bevel Gear shimming Mon Apr 23, 2012 6:17 am




Good morning and welcome to the 'CTW Clan'

The shims are 1 on EACH side - its just a very bad diagram from Celcius.

The key to remaking it is that GBX-009 is sitting flat on GBX-007, and it 'locks' onto some cut outs on the planetary gears pins (GBX-010)- make sure the cut out is upwards and that the fit eithin the shaped holes in GBX-009.

Hope that helps - shout if you get stuck...


3Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Re: Bevel Gear shimming Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:16 am




thx for the fast answer ..

Can someone tell me how thick the orginal CTW shims are ?
I think the first owner of my used gun replaced the shims
with AEG ones.

4Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Re: Bevel Gear shimming Mon Apr 23, 2012 7:42 am



Unfortunatly I do not know the exact thickness, sorry.

I can tell you they are VERY thin, and if he has replaced them with AEG ones, when you -re-assemble the gearbox and tighten the screws, it wont free spin by hand....

To be sure, buy a new set from JD Airsoft in Cannock, they have them in stock and there about £1.50 so it wont break the bank....


5Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Re: Bevel Gear shimming Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:02 am



well i´ve tryed ..

now i´ve put two shims under the gear (0.2mm and 0.1mm)
and one 0.2mm ontop of the gear.

perhaps there is place for another 0.1mm ontop

so is assume those two original Celcius shims are 0.3mm

the gears are spinning like hell ..

6Bevel Gear shimming  Empty Re: Bevel Gear shimming Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:29 am



If your gear box is out of the weapon and disconnected from the motor - you want it to freely rotate as there is nothing to give any resistance..... this is a good thing!!!!!

The smoother this is, the better the battery life will be as your motor is working at its best efficiency rate.


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