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Shim Set grind the bevel gear

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1Shim Set grind the bevel gear Empty Shim Set grind the bevel gear Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:03 am



hi everyone
I have this problem.
bevel gear (GBX-003) in my gearbox has a wobble/plays along the axis. to eliminate wobble (and cutting gear teeth in future), I used regular AEG shim set. gap/wobbling has disappeared for a while. but when I shot 200-400 BB's I saw that the steel shims eat (whittle away) 0.1-0.3 millimeter at the surface of a bevel gear. wobbling comes back Sad

tell me how to get out of this situation? because I don't want to leave wobbling in one hand and in another hand if I use more shims they eat more surface of a bevel gear Mad
thank you for your response

2Shim Set grind the bevel gear Empty Re: Shim Set grind the bevel gear Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:24 pm



Hi there, you may have more joy with help and a response on the new forums:





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