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Celcius CTW faith restored

6 posters

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1Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:42 am



Hi guys,

I just want to say i have had my faith restored in the ctw's, with special thanks to JD airsoft for their better than great services to not only me but also celcius as a company, not forgetting S-T-T-S who are also helping me in restoring the electronics of the ctw and going that extra mile to keep their userbase happy. Ive never had this type of service from ANY retailer/manufacturer in my 2 years of airsofting.

It all started when i received a lackluster Celcius ctw mx2 from a user name GYCU or GEORGE-ST. He sent me a ctw in the knowledge it needed a new motor. I went and got one and the gun still refused to work, i looked deeper into the mosfets and ecu, and noticed lots of bodge soldering and wires that have been changed from stock... It was all very ugly and i was not happy to say the least. GYCU or GEORGE-ST stopped responding to messages in my plea for just half the cash needed to repair it, and then the above retailers saw my posts on a forum and asked me to send it to them for a service, free of charge, as S-T-T-S were covering the cost's! Now that is what i call customer service!!

This post just serves as a warning to people but then the brighter side also shows that we are not all out to rip people off like the forum user above, but some of us help people out in bad times, and so my special thanks have to go out to

S-T-T-S and JD Airsoft of the Unkited Kingdom


2Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:54 am



Great news, but let me see if I've got this straight...

1) you buy a second hand gun from 'a bloke down the pub'
2) the gun doesn't work and you've been sold a dudd
3) JD Airsoft see you've been conned and speak to the UK distributor S-T-T-S who offer to fix the gun for FREE even though you didn't buy it from them OR from a UK supplier???????

You are the luckiest bloke alive - Laughing

I hope you now become a life long fan of Celcius and JD Airsoft as that IS extreme customer service!!!!


3Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:57 am



You pretty much summed it up mate yes, which is why i am so thankful to both parties involved. There may be a small charge but who cares as it just shows how good the customer care is from these guys. Which is more than can be said fir the bloke down the pub, who i beleived was a respected member of this forum....

4Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:04 am



Just about to create a new post to say thank you to JD airsoft too.

Similar story to Joe, I have just bought a second hand CTW and the cylinder nozzle was broken. JD airsoft are sending me a STTS nozzle free of charge.

Great service, and certainly makes you want to support them in the future. Thanks guys.

5Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:20 am



bloody hell... I know JD Airsoft are opening a 3,000 Sq Ft shop on the 5th of May, and with customer service like this I think they will give all the other retailers a bloody good run for the money!!!!

Its great to see that us CTW owners have got complete back up from the UK as it makes purchasing one less of a gamble.... and there are spare parts easy enough to get as well

My mate bought a new PTW in Feb 2012 and the gearbox casing cracked, spoke to the shop - NO WARRANTY, and the part is out of stock for the next 4 months C/O the official distributor who shall remain nameless but is somthing similar to Blue Dog.......


6Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:22 am



Well as i said this has totally restored my faith in celcius but mainly due to their distributors.

Now i see where your enthusiasm comes from sunray Very Happy

7Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:24 am



Feel the love Brother....... feel the love Laughing

8Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:31 am



I certainly feel better about my purchase now I now that the dealer will stand up and help us Smile Spare parts are easy to get and you get a reply from STTS and JD Airsoft quickly.

So yes, I do feel good about my Celcius, and I will pass the word on Smile

9Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:39 am



Hear hear! cheers

10Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:05 am



Just to do a bit more flag waving, I've also had great service from S-T-T-S & their other retailer BadgerTac. Very Happy


11Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:05 am



Got my new nozzle that JD Airsoft sent me, an easy fit and I now have a fully working CTW. Looking forward to my first game iwth it soon.

Great service from JD Airsoft, and they will be my first choice for anything in the future.

12Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:07 am



Good stuff al, whats the rifle like for you so far? Has it lived up to expectations?

13Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:21 am



Joe90 wrote:Good stuff al, whats the rifle like for you so far? Has it lived up to expectations?

So far so good, I plan to do a full review after my game but I could go over some external points if you like. ALso I was thinking of camparing it to a real ar15, but I'm not sure how that would go down.

14Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:04 pm



how do we know you dont have an connections to stts? hmmm? why just you and not anyone else?

but if this is true then wow just wow. i have never seen ANY company in any field do this for a person. Especially if it is not their customer! if this is in fact all true and you dot have any connections to them to make them look good to attract more customers since their company isn't well known then i will very much like to do business with them in the future.

15Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:43 am



I'm not sure who your post is addressed to vltor but I work for Royal Mail & have NO connection to S-T-T-S OR BadgerTac other than being a customer & I'll say again that whatever problems/issues my CTW's have suffered they have gone above & beyond to sort them out for me Very Happy

16Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:07 am



I know Joe isn't an employee of JDairsoft or STTS Smile


17Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:51 pm



Im no employee of neither of said retailers. I just felt after the services they are providing me i should at the least give them a review and a thankyou that they wholly deserve. BTW..... im a fisherman Very Happy

18Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Tue May 01, 2012 11:24 am



I've been trying to get a hold of Phillip at JDairsoft, has anyone had any contact with him in the last few days?

I would like to send my CTW away to be serviced before I start using it. Not any major problems with it, I just want peace of mind, and a few little niggles sorted out with it.

19Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Tue May 01, 2012 11:47 am



He's a busy man at the moment as his new Megastore opens on Saturday and he's up to his eye balls (accorrding to the Mad Welshman who works there).

They aren't doing any repairs this week either as moving all work benches across - try him next week and you should be good to go.


20Celcius CTW faith restored Empty Re: Celcius CTW faith restored Tue May 01, 2012 11:54 am



Thanks for the answer, I knew that they were busy, didn't realise that this week was the move.

I'll just wait until next week.

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