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Celcius Owner in the UK?

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1Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Celcius Owner in the UK? Fri May 06, 2011 3:56 pm



Hi All,

New to the forum so please bare with me affraid lol

I just wanted to know if there are CTW owners on this forum from the UK, where they got there CTW's from and what are they like to skirmish with.

I've been airsofting for about 6 years and considering a Celcius as I just can't justify parting with £1000+ for a single piece and the Celcius is looking like a very attractive alternative.

2Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Fri May 06, 2011 7:43 pm



Hi Sarge, and welcome to the joint.

Don't think we have an active englishman on the boards atm., but it happens that I'll be paying a business visit to London sometimes in the next couple of weeks, and I'd be deligted to discuss the ups and downs of a CTW with you over a pint.
Feel free to send some contact details over PM.


3Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:07 am



Para wrote:Hi Sarge, and welcome to the joint.

Don't think we have an active englishman on the boards atm., but it happens that I'll be paying a business visit to London sometimes in the next couple of weeks, and I'd be deligted to discuss the ups and downs of a CTW with you over a pint.
Feel free to send some contact details over PM.

Hi Para,

Thanks for the reply and offer of meeting up and discussing pro & cons of the CTW. My apologies for not replying sooner but a death in the family has meant that I have understandably been busy doing other things. I fear that you have already been to the UK and back by the time this is posted.

I would still be interested to hear peoples opinions on the CTW MX2 2010 version and also any comparisons between the CTW and PTW. For some reason most of the content on the internet seems to be of a negative nature, so I have taken it with a bit of salt and also these reviews and comments seem to be from a couple of years ago.

4Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:08 am



as you can conclude after reading all the topics regarding ctw/ptw comparison or just pros/cons on ctw alone, the most opinions will be:
- the ctw is a lottery, i think a 1 of 3 chance to receive an operational one - meaning one that will have only the systema bugs sooooo... if you dont like to take chances, you'd better go with a ptw
- keep in mind though, that most of the people posting here are the not_so_lucky_ones (or 2 out of 3 Very Happy ); if you receive a functional copy, you wouldn't even remember to post here, probably..

ps: im one of the not_so_lucky_ones, not to say the most.. but im still optimistic Smile

5Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:00 pm



Sgt_Magpul wrote: I fear that you have already been to the UK and back by the time this is posted.

Hi mate. True, but still, will pay a couple more visits this summer, so feel free to PM me a contact phone.
And I'm sorry for your loss, understandably hobbies get on back burner at times like that.



6Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:25 pm



First off welcome

I actually own both a pte and a ctw. I have one of the hard to get and better ptws but non the less. As stated lately its been a hit or miss with the ctw. Its a chance to get a good one. Mines now be fixed to run perfectly then I'm debating on selling it as I have my ptw. I have had no issues thus far with my ptw and have been threw 2 games so far and one was a heavy activity game were I blew threw 10 mags in 10- 15 mins cause of the intensity. Build quality and quality control are much better on ptw I have also heard from a few that the new mx2 cylinders habe issues with the ptw uppers etc as you havew to file the uppers as the cylinder is larger. I haven't not tried this as I don't want anything in my ptw to fail because of it. You may save some bucks with a ctw but may have headaches. Its a hit or miss. Any questions feel free to ask.

7Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:46 am



Mines still going without a hitch...mine came from the same batch as Blinds.

I don't fire full auto...I only use semi-auto (gun is incredibly accurate once you get the hop dialed in so I have never needed to 'spray and pray'). Probably have put about 4000+ rounds through it so far.

8Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:57 pm



Mine fired 10.000+ so far. 95% of them on semi-auto. It's clocked at exactly 450fps or 137mps, as per our country's rules. Bought it with the spare CS450 cylinder. Had to de-tune the 450 spring a bit, because it was slightly stronger, around 470 fps.
Broke both pistons, replaced them with Systema. Experienced the systema motor bug, duly repaired. I've done an inner barrel polish, using a length of 6mm rope, and changed the hop-up chamber to a Systema spare. That's it.


9Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:33 am



Interesting thread to read - I would be interested to read a thread on PTW's to see if they have similar issues as they do cost twice the price but are the twice the gun???? (we all know about the PTW motor problems etc).

To ask a hyperthetical question - if a CTW was supplied with a 6 month or 12 month warranty, do we think more players would be tempted to own one as it is a PTW at half the cost? thoughts???

10Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:40 pm



Let the UK guys share pints and tips here, let's not derail the thread, as we don't have any active mods around.


11Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Tue Aug 02, 2011 6:20 am

Delta Cypher

Delta Cypher

Hi Sgt

I'm a UK Celcius user and PTW owner.

I had the Celcius MX2 M4A1 that was for sale on Zero One Wink

Its the MX2 2010 version with all the latest trimmings, once of the most recent in the UK if the serial numbers are consecutive on the units I've seen.

I have to say overall I'm quite impressed however I have had a few niggles but nothing that cant be sorted if your a "tinker" type of of airsoft user.

I swapped the hop unit out for a Systema hop unit (after some modification) along with swapping the hop rubber (DIY hop mod).

I've also changed the barrel (Deepfire 6.02) as personally I wasnt impressed with the internal finish.

I also changed out the switch ECU for a 3 shot burst model.

All was great and it out shot a number of factory Systema's (much to thier disgust!) my biggest gripe is that the motor has just gone but tbh this is a common problem with Systema motors too! (see the Systema User Group).

Parts are cheap for the Celcius which is a big plus for me and ontop of that I'd say around 85% of the parts are Systema compatible. If your not comfortable working on them buy it with a warranty and be prepared for long repair times if it does go wrong (they never have the parts in!).



12Celcius Owner in the UK? Empty Re: Celcius Owner in the UK? Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:57 am



Hello SGT,

I too am a UK Shirmisher with a Celcius CTW - in fact I have both models, the M4A1 and the M4 CQB. I purchased mine from JD Airsoft in Cannock as they have recently started selling them and its been a great buy.

I too was not in the mental position to part with £1200+ for an airsoft gun, and the CTW is more than a match for a Systema at half the cost.

JD Airsoft also 'fine tune' all their CTW's by ensuring everything is okay before they are sold i.e. clean out the cylinders, replace the springs, fit a few 'custom parts' and they are then spot on! (they even put a warranty on it for 6 months)

I purchased a rifle, 6 magazines, 2 Lipo Batteries, an upgraded cylinder, a RIS Torch unit (Surefire Copy) and a few other bits and bobs and still had change from £950, wheras if it was a Systema I would have been looking at £1650+

On a final positive, they even have spare parts in stock (motors, gears, hop units etc) with regular shipments to ensure they can always keep you 'in combat'.

Speak to Phil at JD Airsoft - he's the man who knows all ths stuff.

Let us know how you get on.

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