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new user questions

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1new user questions Empty new user questions Sun Apr 29, 2012 8:47 pm



hello all i have just become a member of the ctw clan... unfortunatly i do have a few questions i hope you can help me with. 1st i need a battery could some one give me a link to a suitable battery for the standard stock (not the super expensive celcius 11.1 20c Smile ) failing that the dimentions of the battery you are using? (m90 spring im using btw)
2nd after doing some research im a bit confused of which parts of the mx2 are systema compatible i have gathered the cylinders are not is there anything else that isnt?
and finaly are there any disasembly videos online i can watch before i have to take mine apart and try and figure it out for myself?
alot of questions i know but any advice would be greatly appriciated .

2new user questions Empty Re: new user questions Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:47 am



Hi & welcome Very Happy try the firefox lipo 11.1v 20c Smile
From what I've been told I think the only non-compatible part is the Systema piston or piston head BUT I'm not 100% sure on that? Embarassed
No doubt someone will pop on with the info for you Wink

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