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Questions from the north

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1Questions from the north Empty Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:54 am



Hello Hello
I am from Canada land of the expensive airsoft stuff (base price for a CTW MX2 is over $1000). Now The CTW is just starting to arrive in Canada and there are debates going on left right and center with both sides quoting this fourm so I figured I would ask the questions that arising and let you (the experts on the CTW's) answer them. First things first i will tell you that any prices are going to mean nothing to me for a bit so please do not start quoting them. so on to the questions...

1. Does the CTW use pot metal for their gears?
2. Does the CTW have a consistant problem of any sort ie. chopping bb's breaking at a specific spot or anything like that
3. How reliable is the MX2 (the gun in question)
4. How does it stand up to a PTW?

I have many more questions but these are the ones that are being discussed ATM. Thank you in advance for putting up with my noobness and answering my questions.

2Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:02 am



Dove34 wrote:Hello Hello
I am from Canada land of the expensive airsoft stuff (base price for a CTW MX2 is over $1000). Now The CTW is just starting to arrive in Canada and there are debates going on left right and center with both sides quoting this fourm so I figured I would ask the questions that arising and let you (the experts on the CTW's) answer them. First things first i will tell you that any prices are going to mean nothing to me for a bit so please do not start quoting them. so on to the questions...

1. Does the CTW use pot metal for their gears?
2. Does the CTW have a consistant problem of any sort ie. chopping bb's breaking at a specific spot or anything like that
3. How reliable is the MX2 (the gun in question)
4. How does it stand up to a PTW?

I have many more questions but these are the ones that are being discussed ATM. Thank you in advance for putting up with my noobness and answering my questions.


1.No,im not sure what metal the black gears in my CTW is..but it`s not pot metal.

2.If you use cheap bb`s you can experience chopping and such... i use KSC and G&P bb`s and haven`t had one problem with chopping or clogging except once, and that was because i had forgotten to lube some of my new magazine, so it didn`t feed fast enough. That`s the only problem i have had so far after now 25hours+ of playtime.

3.I would say the mx2 version has fixed the troubles on earlier model, atleast i haven`t experienced anything yet.. and i play in Norway where we are playing in 1meter of snow and down to -10 celsius. Although some have problems with the motor (rarely on the latest model) but that is usually just the brushes and you can easily replace those yourself.

4.I do not own a PTW myself.. but my friend does and he were surpriced on the CTW compared to his PTW. The earlier moels of CTW can`t compare to the PTW,but after a test me and my bud came to the conclusion that the latest CTW is as good as the PTW. Though.. this was only one day of gaming.. his PTW has been used for a 1.5years with only one motorswap. I have owned my CTW about 1,5months.. so it`s really to early to tell. But so far so good.. i would say the CTW is worth the price,im not going back to a regular AEG after buying a CTW..that`s for sure. Smile bounce

3Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:47 am



Odin as usual sums it up basically lol. If you have choppping bbs or miss feeds at any point there's a spacer part that you can remove that stops that. There's also a motor made by jg which I have heard from a few ( I just purchased myself even though my motors fine) that is an upgrade and less money. Regarding the mx2 most of the ptw parts are interchangeable withe the mx2 except for the cylinders now. As I've read on numerous forums and researched a lot. The mx2 is a lot better better than pervious models. There hasn't been many issues with it. But just as a ptw or any aeg things can go wrong but its the ease of fixing it yourself and in my opinion what draws people to ptw ctw. All in all I would say the ctw mx2 is worth it. With all the new things ctw did to the mx2 it may even now be better than a ptw. Of course there's always room for improvement but everyone customizes there guns so most things you may customize would make it better and would still be cheaper than a ptw. I bought a lot of gear upgrades etc with my ptw purchase and some things for another gun and was still less than the base price of a systema.

4Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:31 pm



Are there any major issues with the motor? (similar to the issues found in a PTW)

Can you mod the hop up assy like you can with a PTW

Once again these are both question related to the MX2

5Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:35 pm



Dove34 wrote:Are there any major issues with the motor? (similar to the issues found in a PTW)

Can you mod the hop up assy like you can with a PTW

Once again these are both question related to the MX2

I have only heard of two cases of people having trouble with the motor, one changed the brushes and it was fine. But i think one or two on the forum here have had a motor failure.. one is a mx2,the other one i don`t know if it`s a mx2 or a earlier version. But if there are issues they are usually the same as systema has. BUT.. there is a Jing Gong replacement PTW motor which supposedly is really really good if you should ever have to change the motor.

Yes you can mod the hop up like you can with a PTW, im gonna start modding my hop next week and do a write up on it if it turns out good. Smile

6Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:42 pm



Odins on par with what he's said and I already ordered my jg motor even though I didn't receive my gun yet cause that motor is suppoesed to be amazing. Honestly go with the ctw. Half the price and same gun and nearly all systema parts can go into it if you so want

7Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:43 pm



Thanks for the quick replies guys. You are answering my questions faster then they can be asked.

8Questions from the north Empty Re: Questions from the north Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:47 pm



My phone has this email attached so I can answer fast.and not a problem. I know how it feels to be wiery about spending that much money I did my research just as you are now before I purchased. I was about to build my own ptw and found the ctw was just a way better package for less money and I had the money to buy a built systema super max but for that amount I bought way more with gear gun accesories and upgrades and I'm still under the price of the ptw

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