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Custom R-hop

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26Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:47 pm



Nice mate, how much and are they hand filed?

27Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 2:59 pm



Trigger wrote: What type of material did you use for yours
in there at the moment is a hard rubber 'borrowed' from beer keg couplings, I ordered lots of different things from silicone nitrile beads to laboratory bungs but the keg rubber felt the best do I tried that first

MDodd wrote: Very Happy
Control is the key to long contact patch.

Just sending a few of these out today, with a few other items.

How are the flat nubs doing for you?, Better than the roller?
What sort of nub will be best in your 'on the fly' unit?

28Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:04 pm



Ok long and short story -
Spent a lot of time working on the large contact patch hop( flat, concave and every shape in between) , which given the correct control,( as its very sensitive ) the concave nub seems to work best - the problem is controlling it to make it work to optimum , and yes the concave , long contact patch with the on the fly hop is good (the on the fly hop controls the hop differently to standard, the increase in accuracy came as a bi product of the primary goal, which was easy adjustment) BUT it takes quite a lot of adjustment to get the nub just right, and if you used it with a standard hop unit the benefits seem to be outweighed by the difficulty in setting it up, compared to just the larger glued nub, over the smaller standard nub .

Hand filling is very hit and miss, ok if you do it yourself, but as something you can just fit and play, no good . So I am using some 60deg silicone - Cost wise , very expensive Very Happy , complete , with hop ring , pin and nub , assembled and glued about £8.50 - £9.00 (depending on cost of ring and pin , supply)problem is it takes ages to fit in the jig and make sure its perfectly straight and aligned when you glue it, you end up scrapping about 1 in 4 at the glueing stage.
But I wouldnt reccomend it over the big nub for a standard hop , unless you are using .3+ bb it is way to tricky to adjust.

29Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:09 pm



I was using .4g BBs when I did my rhop and range was great. Are you selling these as we speak then mate as a drop in part?

30Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:26 pm



Yes hopefully Very Happy just waiting for a few peoples feed back , although I have had great results in my guns/barrels, I need to be happy that it can be just a fit and play thing , and not need to be tailored to every gun/barrel.

I found that with 330fps .3 -.35bb worked best (range and accuracy) .4 work great at higher fps but just dont seem as nice at 330fps - the only problem is that on full auto much over .25 weight bb need the mags to be worked on a little to stop feed issues.

31Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:47 pm



Be good if you can get it to work stable with .25

32Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:18 am



If anyone gets these working, im sure the CTW community would buy them by the handful Smile



33Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:41 am



I'd certainly want one for sure.

34Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:49 am



my field has a max fps of 400fps on .2g bbs do you think it is possible to shoot 300ft with that power and .28bb?

i want to buy this right now and money will not be a problem.

35Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:09 am



Money is not really the concern Very Happy Making sure it works for everyone is ! At the moment I have given out 4 concave/flat hop rings which havent been "tuned" to a particular gun, just to see if it does work as a fit and play solution for those people - it should do, but you cant beatv a bit of user error to show up any flaws Very Happy

Hopefully by the end of next weekend we should have the answer , and it will be available to all (the only problem I can see so far is you will need to specify a bb weight range you require to use)

As I have said before, it is very sensitive, and for me , a standard hop, is simpler with the larger glued nub (which is also available to everyone)

36Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:50 am



Yeah, minimal adjustment! Had the modified nub in yesterday and spent A LOT of time fiddling with the hop, a 'on the fly' unit would be nice :hint: :hint: lol (any idea when we can get one btw?). I gave up in the end as it started raining and didn't want the ctw out in the rain.
But good news is that there's no wear on the nub,
Custom R-hop  - Page 2 8f31f966
Bad thing... Inconsistent between mags, a vanaras mag running .25's gave me the best results.
Unfortunatly I had no way of measuring the range (forgot the tape measure) but i was not blown away by the range. It was running about the same as a team mate who had a systema hop adjusters and roller in hit ctw. But he was on .2's.

37Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:03 am



Been hearing rumours oh fellow CTW owners - there's possibly something in the pipeline but its about 8 weeks off and then CTW owners will have the range / accuracy that PTW owners want.....

I'll keep my ears to the ground but the big thing is cost at the moment apparently....

Patience is a virtue - STAND BY.... STAND BY....


38Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:24 am



The range of a ptw should be the same as any other aeg or ctw, after all its air propelling the same projectile using the same method of applying spin. If there is any difference its minimal. Until you venture into longer contact points, higher fps and hevier ammo, hings wont differ much between a whole range of guns be it ptw ctw gas or spring.

39Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:31 am



Sunray wrote:Been hearing rumours oh fellow CTW owners - there's possibly something in the pipeline but its about 8 weeks off and then CTW owners will have the range / accuracy that PTW owners want.....

I'll keep my ears to the ground but the big thing is cost at the moment apparently....

Patience is a virtue - STAND BY.... STAND BY....


Different to the 'on the fly' adjustable hop unit that MD's working on?

40Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:52 am



That was my opinion, but having been working on it quite a while, range is one hing but accuracy is another - somehow, by total accident, the new development seems to have both Very Happy
Not all hop units are the same design Very Happy

Windy, its good to go, quite a few people have used them now, its just trying to get the cost to be Celcius and not Systema Very Happy which is of benefit for everybody !

41Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:03 am



Yeah I get you mate but Im speaking in relative terms. until you utilise hop mods like rhop, flat hop, quasar mod etc, then they are all different but the still very much the same. the same meaning regardless of the way the unit applies pressure on the nub etc, we still have a very smal speed bump which applies hop rapidly and most of the time inconsistently. now when you start venturing into longer contact patches, that's when you see vast improvements, mainly because hop is now being applied gradually, smoothing out the flight path and giving a more stable flight and also increasing range due to the spin defying gravitiy for that little while longer, due to the bb being able to stay spinning longer.

I was mainly replying to Sunray, in the meaning unless this improvement that's in the pipe line copies the longer contact is better theory, then there will not be nothing to write home about unless its a drastic new design that's not been thought of yet.
But I'm still under the impression the longer concave patches are the way to go, like yours and Windys. I've experimented on lots of platforms including electric and spring. the Rhop styles always come out on top.

42Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:22 am



I know what you mean, but then something new is always waiting to be discovered, and I have never seen a hop operated like the new one Very Happy even when you explain it to people they still scratch their heads Very Happy and more importantly it works !

43Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:18 am



How come i'm not part of the Mdodd beta tests Razz

Will probably be sending mine off to JD for the sun gear Marcus, as the owner has offered Smile Cheers for the offer anyway Razz

I'm waiting on someone offering me a decent hop in exchange for cash. They will be rewarded.


44Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:55 pm



These advanced hop units are all great BUT if they are to be easily available then they need to be easily manufactured.

Anything that needs to be custom fitted to your gun will never happen on a big scale as manufacturers can not spend the time on each gun and keep the price low.

Any hop mods like MDodds etc are at long last a step forward as the PTW has been around 6+ years and no advancements from their stable. If Celcius / STTS can develop something then a big pat on the back from me

Lets see what arrives, and if anybody has any other ideas then contact STTS as they will probably love to hear from you as they need our help to make the CTW a fantastic training weapon


45Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:31 pm



MDodd wrote:Money is not really the concern Very Happy Making sure it works for everyone is ! At the moment I have given out 4 concave/flat hop rings which havent been "tuned" to a particular gun, just to see if it does work as a fit and play solution for those people - it should do, but you cant beatv a bit of user error to show up any flaws Very Happy

Hopefully by the end of next weekend we should have the answer , and it will be available to all (the only problem I can see so far is you will need to specify a bb weight range you require to use)

As I have said before, it is very sensitive, and for me , a standard hop, is simpler with the larger glued nub (which is also available to everyone)

i will be using .28g bb and a 400 fps spring

46Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:56 pm



so any updates?

47Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:34 am



It is entirely possible the OP of this thread may be checking the http://www.ctw-owners.co.uk more than this thread. Try asking there Smile



48Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:30 pm



i checked its not there

49Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:40 pm



Harsh, started a thread over there. You may have more joy with a response.



50Custom R-hop  - Page 2 Empty Re: Custom R-hop Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:07 am



I know this is a blatant nechropost, but even if I hate to be "that person", are there any news about this mod? I have a TW in the mail and would like to "RHop it"

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