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CTW Cylinders

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1CTW Cylinders Empty CTW Cylinders Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:41 pm



I know this probably should be in the CTW Internal section but I need an answer asap. Ok so I have heard that the three generation of CTW's have different cylinder dimensions. So is this true? And also do the Systema PTW cylinders fit in all CTW's? I need to know if the CTW 350 fps Celcius will fit in my CTW? I bought my CTW off of evike. They claim it is a MX-2 but I have heard they lie and it is really a X-max. So back to my questions, are the cylinders different dimensions for different generations and will the 350 CTW cylinder fit in it. Also will a Systema black cylinder work in it. Thanks.

2CTW Cylinders Empty Re: CTW Cylinders Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:01 am



Hi I believe this was answered for you on the active forums.




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