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Karafas gear

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1Karafas gear Empty Karafas gear Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:54 pm



Well, I figured I would pop the gear cherry here.
Basic rhodesian recon vest with an added camelbak hydration straped to the back, 5.11 velcro hat, bolle T 800 goggles, 5.11 tac flight gloves, basic issue belt, basic off-brand tan combat boots. All ontop of woodlang MARPAT of course. I love you
Just need a new CTW to finish my loadout!
Karafas gear Th_100_2676

Karafas gear Th_100_2677
Click pics to inlarge.

2Karafas gear Empty Re: Karafas gear Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:54 am



That's really nice! I'm hoping to get something very similar to what you have... though I may end up buying a PTW!

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