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Team alpha problem update

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1Team alpha problem update Empty Team alpha problem update Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:44 am



Hi all I just replaced sun gear and brushes check all electrical connectors and cables everything looks good but I cant manage to do full cykle with my gun close , when I open the gun gearbox work fine blue lead its on gears stops where they should stop so my opinion motor its gone but I would like to secound opinion before I order new motor , so if any one had same problem pleas let me know.

2Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:42 pm



<span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;" id="sceditor-end-marker"></span><span class="sceditor-selection sceditor-ignore" style="line-height: 0; display: none;" id="sceditor-start-marker"></span>Hello my friend might i ask you to make one post just and explain what you are experiencing i'll do my best to help you.


3Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:51 pm



Thx for reply mate .Ok I start from beginning I put 130 spring in cylinder gun start shooting with 460 fps but after few single shots gun start slowing down so I swap for stock spring but was same issue start normal then slow down now its looks like motor dont have power to spin gears I can't hear any winding noise or funy smell blue light its on when of brake the gun gears spinning and stops normal so I dont know what its wrong.

4Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:05 pm



Ok so lets take this slowly,

The M130 was a bad idea but im sure you already got to that part by yourself.
Can you verify what are the charge levels for your Battery ? is it a 11.1V Lipo ? Can you tell me the Voltages on each of the cells ?
Typically your battery charger should tell you that. Try taking a reading before starting to fire and when it starts slowing down. the voltage ranges should go from 4.2v (Fully Charged) to 3.7v wich is not so good.
After you have tested this please tell me what you have.


5Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:15 pm



Hi im using 11.1 20c 1400 mah thing is gun not shooting now I try check voltage tomorrow im stil at work .When gun its open its acting normal when its close with cylinder sounds like can't pull spring in cylinder .

6Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:32 pm



Ok have a nice night i'll check on you tomorrow Smile

7Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:07 am



I make my reading and its 3.5 v

8Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:22 am



Lipos shoud run from 4.2v to 3.7v normally at that voltage the battery is as good as dead.
Either its discharged and your Battery Charger sucks or you have a faulty battery.

sivy78 wrote:I make my reading and its 3.5 v

9Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:42 am



Its not possible that 3 nearly new battery and lipo charger its f.... maybe my reader its busted .I check all my battery and gun acting the same its ok when open not ok closed.

10Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:48 am



sivy78 wrote:Its not possible that 3 nearly new battery and lipo charger its f.... maybe my reader its busted .I check all my battery and gun acting the same its ok when open not ok closed.

When you have the upper and the cylinder on you actually have something forcing the motor to stress, AKA the Spring on the Cylinder when you have it open and the gears run free you have considerably less force being placed on motor.
Anyways 3.5v is not normal .... fell free to check forum for RC Smile
When i started it knew Airsoft dudes knew of their guns ... for batteries the RC Folks are way ahead of us.

Feel free to poke

11Team alpha problem update Empty Re: Team alpha problem update Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:49 am



Ok thanks mate .

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