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Magpul PTS MOE grip

8 posters

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1Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Magpul PTS MOE grip Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:10 pm



Well, I have just customized and fitted a Magpul PTS MOE grip to my CTW. Had to dremel, grind and sand the internals of the grip quite a bit to make it fit, but it is fairly easy if you have the right tools at hand.

Here is the grip as it looks straight out of the bag..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 22032011140

Here is the grip after it is made to fit..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 23032011142

Before i started to remove what needed to be removed i made these simple cardboard templates to keep me on the right track. They are shaped as the holes in the original CTW grip in a few angles that I needed to grind the MOE grip to replicate the original CTW one. You get the idea..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011147

Here is the end result once fitted..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011146

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011144

The way I have fitted the MOE grip bottom plate is pretty trick. I will update this post with pics later..


2Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:02 pm



That look freaking sweet bro! Doesn`t even look modded! cheers

3Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:52 pm



yeah it does.

4Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:55 pm



SPONGE wrote:yeah it does.

When i said the grip doesn`t look modded,i meant that the grip looks like it was made to fit the CTW.. lol!

5Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:48 pm



Swiffer did you mod the original motor plate like the guide on the PTW forums so that the bottom baseplate of the MOE grip is intact? Did you have to sand the inside of the grip very much to accommodate the motor besides dremeling out the top?

6Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:22 pm



I have made a metal adapter plate with 3 holes that is mounted to the bottom of the motor with two bolts. The last hole is threaded and the bottom baseplate of the MOE grip is mounted using a single bolt fastened to the threaded hole in the adapter plate. This way the bottom baseplate of the MOE grip only have one hole for one bolt needed to fasten it to the motor. I will post pictures and some info some time later when I find the time..

No, I did not need to grind down any of the sides of the inside of the MOE grip. The motor have enough space for it to clear these parts of the grip insides. Just have to grind down what is mentioned in this thread using the templetes..


7Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:42 pm



Swiffer, this is where I am stuck at. Im guessing I need to file more down around the trigger guard area? Also, can you put up some pictures of how you secured the grip to the motor plate?

Magpul PTS MOE grip IMG-20110402-00054

8Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:54 pm



Ooh..NICELY DONE! You are on the right track zander. Just need to file a bit more in the front i guess. And maybe a bit down the insides on the front of the motor. If you use a flashlight lo light up the inside of the grip when the grip is mounted you can see where you have to grind a small amount off. You have come a long way on the mod, so basicly its all small steps of grinding and mounting grinding and mounting until it sits nicely where you want it. LOVE that you have used a RS Grip! Mine is only the PTS version, wish I had gone for the RS one now that I see how great yours is coming along..

Yeah! I have some pictures for you of the bottom plate mod now. Enjoy..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 02042011180

Magpul PTS MOE grip 02042011175

Magpul PTS MOE grip 02042011178

Magpul PTS MOE grip 02042011176

Note that this is only one option of mounting the bottom plate that I am testing using a offset bolt mostly for looks using just the one bolt.
How it will hold up over time is yet to be seen. But you can also use four bolts using the original threads in the motor..


9Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:35 pm



Just have one word to say Swiffer! "Impressive" !!!! cheers

10Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:33 pm



Thanks man! Would have used a hex bolt for the bottom plate aswell. But I did not have one of that size available..sooo I will have to change it later..


11Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Tue Apr 05, 2011 5:00 pm



Swiffer wrote:Well, I have just customized and fitted a Magpul PTS MOE grip to my CTW. Had to dremel, grind and sand the internals of the grip quite a bit to make it fit, but it is fairly easy if you have the right tools at hand.

Here is the grip as it looks straight out of the bag..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 22032011140

Here is the grip after it is made to fit..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 23032011142

Before i started to remove what needed to be removed i made these simple cardboard templates to keep me on the right track. They are shaped as the holes in the original CTW grip in a few angles that I needed to grind the MOE grip to replicate the original CTW one. You get the idea..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011147

Here is the end result once fitted..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011146

Magpul PTS MOE grip 24032011144

The way I have fitted the MOE grip bottom plate is pretty trick. I will update this post with pics later..

So there is no single Magpull MOE grips that will fit a CTW w/out modifications?


12Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:42 am



Please edit your post and delete the pictures in the quotation. When you quote someone without doing so you automaticly dubble post all the pictures. Or delete the whole quotation leaving just your question please..thanks!

No there is not produced a Magpul line of grips for the PTW/CTW..so sorry..

Anyway..got some new hex screws so I have changed the bolt fastening the bottom plate to the hex one! It turned out great and I will post pics later..


13Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:26 pm



Changed the bolt that holds the Magpul MOE grip in place to a hex version now. Looks way better and now gives the grip a more tighter fit..

Magpul PTS MOE grip 15042011232

Magpul PTS MOE grip 15042011233


14Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:26 am



That looks pro my friend!! Very Happy

15Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:47 am



Thanks! I am pleased with the result of both looks and feel now..


16Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:53 pm



I want that in Tan.


17Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:46 pm



Go for it! Fairly easy mod to DIY..


18Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Grip attachment fastener Mon May 16, 2011 11:37 pm



This might be a dumb question, but is the only screw that attaches the modded grip to the gun the lower grip cover screw?

Or is there another attachment point on the grip that locks it to the receiver?

19Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Tue May 17, 2011 11:37 am



crow8888 wrote:This might be a dumb question, but is the only screw that attaches the modded grip to the gun the lower grip cover screw?

Or is there another attachment point on the grip that locks it to the receiver?

The original grip is held on by the 4 set screws on the bottom of the grip. Once hallowed out, the MOE grip can be held on by the same four screws, or one screw with a modified motor mount plate such as Swiffers. I also tried a version that had no visible screws but it was not sturdy enough to my liking. There is no other way it attaches to the lower receiver. The CTW lower and motor is VERY similar to the V3 setup.

20Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:25 pm



Swiffer, you should buy more of these grips, mod them as you did with yours and turn them for a bit of a profit for us people who may not have the tools or the knowledge on how to do this correctly.. just a thought, i understand if you dont have the time ha

21Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:50 pm



Bauer wrote:Swiffer, you should buy more of these grips, mod them as you did with yours and turn them for a bit of a profit for us people who may not have the tools or the knowledge on how to do this correctly.. just a thought, i understand if you dont have the time ha

Come on do it. I'll buy one from you in Tan Smile.


22Magpul PTS MOE grip Empty Re: Magpul PTS MOE grip Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:12 pm



lol..thanks folks! And yeah, hard to fint time at the moment as I am head deep in a thousand other projects. But I hope to have a little more time on my hands for CTW upgrades/problem solving by this winter season or something.

My CTW doesnt see a lot of use these days, just laying on the workbench actualy. Need to get the rof waaay down at the moment if it is to ever see any use on full auto. Semi auto is fine, but full auto chops bbs like there is no tomorrow and puts out a cloud of BB fragments down range. This could be fixed by use of better alignments, better hop solution + lower rate of fire though...but I will get into that later and post my solutions on these forums when I get to it. Right now I am fed up with the whole CTW and close to putting the whole damn thing up for sale..


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