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New CTW owner and having problems.

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1New CTW owner and having problems. Empty New CTW owner and having problems. Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:19 am



Hey there everyone, I'm glad to see that there's a CTW forum. Well, I got a second hand CTW XMAX CQB yesterday. I shot it and all was well, I removed the cylinder and barrel assembly to clean the barrel. The barrel was very dirty. After cleaning it, I reassembled the gun and tried to go fire with the hopup turned off. The gun would not feed and when I pointed the muzzle at the ground BBs would roll out. I disassemble the gun again and found that the BBs were EXTREMELY hard to push through the barrel. After turning the hopup on 2 turns, the gun would shoot but there is still a bit of resistance when pushing the BB past the hopup unit. In this form the gun fires about 180fps. I'm not sure if this is just the BB's friction against the nub, or if there's something still wrong. Also, my ECU is acting very weird. I am using a 11.1v 1800mah 10c lipo in the gun, but have tried an 11.1v 2400mah 20c and an 11.1v 4900mah 25c all yielding the same result. My problem is that when I have the gun open and I fire it (to see the sector gear spin) my active braking is completely disabled. Also, about 1/4 of the time, when I pull the trigger on safe or auto, the sector gear will spin and will continue spinning until I switch the gun to safety, it will keep spinning even after I release the trigger. If it matters, here is my setup. Stock gun besides G&P EOtech, suppressor and systema magazines. The Celcius mags wobble to much for my taste.

Thanks everyone for the helping

2New CTW owner and having problems. Empty Re: New CTW owner and having problems. Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:54 am



When you cleaned the barrel I'm assuming you mean inner barrel... how did you disasemble it? did you take hop up apart? just trying to get an idea what could have gone wrong. The other issue sounds like a bad ecu... one of the flaws of the celius imo. Also don't go over a 20c lipo thats the max celcius recommends.

3New CTW owner and having problems. Empty Re: New CTW owner and having problems. Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:29 am



Basically all I did was remove the cylinder and the inner barrel. I did not take off the hopup unit from the inner barrel.

Thanks for the reply!

4New CTW owner and having problems. Empty things to try .... Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:21 am



When you got the constant spin (until you switched to safe) were you in a brightly lit room ? Sometimes too much light will override the sensors that are triggered by the two holes in the sector gear and the active braking is disabled.

Can you turn the sector gear by hand in BOTH directions ? If you can it's one of 2 things, your pinion gear has come loose from the motor OR your Bevel gear has separated and you need to replace it with a new one.

5New CTW owner and having problems. Empty Re: New CTW owner and having problems. Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:28 pm



I tried it in a completely dark room with the same result unfortunately. I cannot turn the sector gear at all by hand.

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