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Brand new CTW 350 cylinder for XMAX/ latest version MX2

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Just got this from Asiarsoft and it's slightly two big, presumeably as I have the older version mx2
I am in the uk so looking for £50 plus postage. Around 85 USD
To see exactly which one it is check out Asiarsoft



There is no such thing as an "older" MX2.

• MX2s came out in 2011
• X-MAX was the 2010 model
• CTW was the initial 2009 release.

So the one you're selling looks like THIS right ?
Brand new CTW 350 cylinder for XMAX/ latest version MX2 Parts_CTW_ASB_CLU_350_lg



No it's the shiney silver metal looking one pictured in the other thread, that strangely looks identical to the one I am currently running

MODS- please close this thread as I am returning this item to Asiarsoft and will continue the discussion in the other thread about this


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