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CTW xmax 2 (august 2010 version)

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1CTW xmax 2 (august 2010 version) Empty CTW xmax 2 (august 2010 version) Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:37 pm



I need some input.
I know that the first versions of the CTW had some issues with the ECU and battery and all that stuff.
what i am wondering is: does anyone have the xmax2 august 2010 version. with the new ECU, thicker wiring and the rrefermation barell 2? if you have one, or know about it, are the problems solved? all of them? does it perform well? or do you have to tinker with it every month?
i am looking to picking one up from Hotspot airsoft, but i dont want to pick one up if it is going to poop on me. thanks for the help.

2CTW xmax 2 (august 2010 version) Empty Re: CTW xmax 2 (august 2010 version) Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:19 pm



if someone who has had somefirst hand expierence of your ctw mx2. how it perfrmed and issues you had with it thanks

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