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Double feed

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1Double feed Empty Double feed Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:38 am



Hi guys,
My CTW once a time does double feed, what could be? The rubber?
Another thing, in CTW just the CTW hop-up rubber is compatible? PTW or DeepFire is not?
CTW MX2 is my gun

2Double feed Empty Re: Double feed Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:15 pm



try to load your mags and keep them loaded for a day or two

3Double feed Empty Re: Double feed Sun Jun 05, 2011 6:25 pm



I have never, EVER, in my entire 6-months experience with CTWs and PTWs (not only mine, I service other people's guns, as well) experienced a double-feed. Inside the hop-chamber, oppozite to the feed-hole, there's an indentation that keeps the "feeded" BB straight until the nozzle pushes it through the packing base.

If you see two projectiles leaving the barrel on random trajectories, then that's a single BB broken in two slices. Probably lo-quality plastic.


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