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difference between xmax and mx2

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1difference between xmax and mx2  Empty difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:06 pm



i just bought a mx2 from airsplat but herd that they lie about products is there any way to tell if i got a xmax or mx2

2difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:25 pm



If it has the reformation 2 barrel (stainless steel and is ported at the end) or if it has a cylinder that is ribbed.

3difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:44 pm



but some of the later x max guns had the new cylinder and barrel is there any other way to tell lilke by serial number

4difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:45 pm



Not true some xmaxs had reformation 2 barrels. Look at the ecu if its blue its and mx2 if itd green its an xmax. I obtained the Information obtained from hotspotairsoft claudio

5difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:50 pm



Also the cylinders are different. Ptw cylinders are compatiable in xmax. In mx2 the cylinders are larger. So another words if you have a ptw, try putting your ctw cylinder into your ptw. If it fits its an xmax if it doesn't its an mx2 but do not try to close and fire in ptw. I don't know what could happen and would hate to see something happen. I have both ctw and ptw and my cylinders are not compatable to one another in any way shape or form. Diamater size as well as hopups are different.

6difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:57 pm



ok thanks mine is a mx2 i was lucky i guess just missing the motor plate and a shattered gearbox but still works thank god

7difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:15 am



Im kind of confused here..

is this correct ??

CTW = PTW cylinder fits in the upper reciever
XMAX = PTW Cylinder fits in the upper reciever
MX2 = PTW cylinder does nott fit the upper reciever

I got my self a Celsius gun last week and i was told that it was an MX2. But now i am confuced. There is the stainless steele ribbed inner barrel on it but i did not get an Cylinder with the gun. There is also a blue light when the battery is connected..

I bought a ACM(blue) PTW cylinder and it did fitt the upper reciever nicely. But the Nozzle was too big for the hopupunit so i could not fire the gun. I am planing to change it to an Celsius nozzle..

Big question: is this a MX2 or an older version ??

8difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:24 am



Look at the ecu board if its blue its mx2 if its green its xmax. If you buy a systema hop up unit that cylinder will work. But if the cylinder "dances" aka moves around in the upper reciever like its not alil snug then you need to change the uppers or you'll damage either the piston rack or the sector gear.

9difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:29 am



The PTW cylinder fitts very nicely, it is actually a very tight and nice fitt. Absolutely no woobeling around !!

Im going to have a closer look at the "board" when i get home from work..

10difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:26 pm



The circuitboard on the ECU unit was blue, so it must be an MX2 then..

what is considured wobbly when it comes to cylinders??

My blue PTW cylinder wobbles slight when i check it closer. The hole in the upper reciever is pehaps 0.1-0.2mm too big. The thing is that i have had a Systema PTW SCK kitt about 3 years ago, and the cylinders in that upper reciever had about the same tollerances as this one. It was wobbling about the same...

Do i dare use this ACM PTW cylinder or not ??
(when the nozzle is changed i, right now it does not work)

11difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:16 pm



Wether you change a nozzle or a hopup should do the trick. The issue with the wobble is that you can do damage to a few things. The teeth may not grab properly and in turn shave or strip. Also if the fronts to wobbly you'll blow the nozzle or damage the cylinder base. Think of it this way may help for a better understanding. In ver 2 etc gearboxes you shim pieces so they align but ctw/ptw you can't that's why their made that way to fit snug and if you didn't shim properly things don't work or break. Sometimes and I've had this happen to me it looks and feels that everything fits properly even though it dances alittle then something breaks. On my ctw mx2 the cylinder is real tight and I'm using a ctw cylinder. My mil spec ptw its snug like if I tip it the cylinder falls out, but there's very little to no wobbling. Almost a trial by error in a way.

12difference between xmax and mx2  Empty Re: difference between xmax and mx2 Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:07 pm



The only time i have ever heard or experienced a sectorgear or a piston rack getting stripped is when the folowing happens..

cycle 1 the piston blows a pellet thrue the barrel but the pellet gets stuck.

cycle 2 the piston can nott make a full stroke since the barrel is blocked by the fist pellet.

cycle 3 the sectorgear hits the piston before the piston have made it´s full stoke resulting in a stripped piston..

If the piston rack is made of mettal it is common that the sector gear gets stripped. And if it is made of plastic the piston rack is stripped..

This is quite common on AEGs with the combination of tight bore barrels and high rof solutions..

The CTW uses a 11.1V LiPo and has a very high rof in combination with a very tight bore barrel. This makes it very important to only use high grade pellets...

But naturaly, when the cylinder wobbels around too much, the risk of failure is greate..

I will order a MX2 compatible cylinder, i have had too many failures on my old AEGs to take stupid risks. I just found one instock in France !!

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