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TRX Standard Battle Rail

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1TRX Standard Battle Rail Empty TRX Standard Battle Rail Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:32 pm



I am wanting to get a Troy Industries TRX battle rail for my CTW. To install it I need to use the barrel nut that comes with the rail. It is a real steel part so will it fit on my CTW?

I am just wanting to be sure before I waste to money on something that won't work. I have done that enough already.


2TRX Standard Battle Rail Empty Re: TRX Standard Battle Rail Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:16 am



It will work,I have TROY rails on 5 of my PTW uppers,and the one CTW we have.They are hands down the best made rails for the money,then again I'm a TROY nut ball,lol

Nice part of it,with every TROY rail I've ever bought they've always included the TROY tool to take off the standard delta ring and install the TROY ring,and if you ask real nice they'll send you a handful of stickers most of the time Very Happy

O8 MAX CQBR,11 in. TROY TRX EX(RS),FCC TROY claymore COMP,TROY Battle AX,MIL/SPEC(RS) Buffer tube,TAC built with every mod he does,also TROY Flip sights(RS),TROY VG(RS),TROY trigger guard(RS),TROY AMBI MAG release(RS),TROY BAD lever(RS),MAGPUL CTR(MIL/RS),MAGPUL ASP(RS),BCM MED CHARGER HANDLE(RS)

TRX Standard Battle Rail DSC01988


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