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Noveske 7.25 Rail

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1Noveske 7.25 Rail Empty Noveske 7.25 Rail Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:17 am



My friend wants me to install his noveske rail in a couple days. I was just wondering if there was anything special I need to do to install it ie. does the front sight have to come off or the delta ring etc? Or will it install like a standard G&G rail?

2Noveske 7.25 Rail Empty Re: Noveske 7.25 Rail Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:49 am



I have a noveske rail on mines. Yes you have to remove iron sight and delta ring.

3Noveske 7.25 Rail Empty Re: Noveske 7.25 Rail Sun Oct 09, 2011 2:00 am



you also need a different barrel nut for that noveske rail. the barrel nut that comes with it will not fit your ctw. i had to purchase my barrel nut from an online store.


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