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Precision problems!!!!

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1Precision problems!!!! Empty Precision problems!!!! Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:17 pm



I'm with many problems in my CTW precision X-MAX M4 CQB 2010.
- Systema Full HopUp
- Cylinder to 345FPS (obtained with chrono)

- Distance: 55mts

- Worse than a G & G Combo 300 fps

I noticed that the inner barrel spending on glass, the barrel is not quite right and I think this is the error, as well as I have observed that engaging the inner barrel within the outer, it enters and rubs the muzzle. Is this normal?
Someone can tell me where to buy a new gun for CTW??


2Precision problems!!!! Empty Re: Precision problems!!!! Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:55 am



Contact Phil at JD Airsoft in the UK, he's got all the bits and pieces in as well as new guns (he puts a 12 month warranty as standard on everything he sells including the ECU!!!) - all the guns and parts are from the new Version 2's and so are a lot better:

His email is jdairsoftuk@gmail.com

He knows his stuff and is an expert with PTW's as well - Good bloke to know.

Hope that helps.

3Precision problems!!!! Empty Re: Precision problems!!!! Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:07 am



Thank you very much. I will contact him.
Anyway, someone can tell me the CQB grouping the Tanio Koba 0.25 BB's at a distance of 55mts, more or less.

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