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celcius team alpha problems

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1celcius team alpha problems Empty celcius team alpha problems Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:21 pm



hi all

just taken a celcius team alpha in a swap and its faulty

the guy i swapped with said the mosfet is knackered then he said he replaced it
and the fault went

now he says its the motor

basicly when you plug a battery in the blue led will light up
sometimes it will fire othertimes it wont

anyone had similar issues ?
or any ideas
many thanks cat182

2celcius team alpha problems Empty Re: celcius team alpha problems Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:54 am



it can be the brushes and/or the motor itself..

it is a very common "problem" of all xTWs.

Check the brushes, the brush springs
if they are ok you'll have to replace the motor, or the motorcore ..

3celcius team alpha problems Empty Re: celcius team alpha problems Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:02 am



Thanks mate

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