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Internal problems

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1Internal problems Empty Internal problems Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:29 pm



Ok, I am almost positive that I have blown the fuse in my MX2. I plug in my Lipo and I get absolutely nothing, no light, to turn of the motor, and no response at all. So I have this question, where is the fuse in the CTW and how do I get to it?

Last edited by nativexam on Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Internal problems Empty Re: Internal problems Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:51 pm




The fuse is in the buffer tube. Brake the gun in half, then take out the round cap from the buffer tube (the one with the hole in it) and you will see it - it should be green, use a pliers to take it out.

Internal problems Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzozQhTLlLDq-R5fSpVjlWSnmSZUyXxR-c-5BJTl5scINhsGO3

3Internal problems Empty Internal problems Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:55 pm



Thanks! I replaced the fuse, but now I am having some more problems. The blue light turns on and works perfectly with a mag and such, but the motor will not turn over. Before this I was blowing fuses the second I pulled the trigger with the gun put together. I am thinking the problem is lying with the motor since it seems like the ECU and such is working fine.


Ok I took off the pistol grip in order to check out the connectors and connection in general. To me everything seems fine, the wires are soldered solidly. Though when I move around the wires running down the back of the motor and pull the trigger I can get it to spin and turn the gears at random.


Ok I think I may have narrowed down the problem. To me it looks as if the Brushes are shot, from comparing the ones on the motor to brand new ones.

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