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Mx2 3 rnd burst

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1Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Mx2 3 rnd burst Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:20 pm



First off hi I'm trig and new to this forum

Right hope you can help
I have just ordered a cqb mx2 , how do I change from full auto to burst ?


Last edited by Trigger608 on Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wrong model)

2Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:43 pm




Welcome to the CTW clan. Very Happy

To change the fire option you need to spend a little more money I'm afraid. You have to fit a new electronic control unit (whish is the bit you see at the front of the gearbox when the gun is broken in half).

Its a very easy install (takes about 5 mins) - and if you want to mail order one, JD Airsoft in the UK has them in stock and are priced at £85.00

Hope that helps. Let us know if you get stuck


3Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Wed Nov 09, 2011 2:50 pm



Ok ta very much , do JD stock all spare parts?

Is there any thing else to know/mod a ctw ? Any parts that should e changed straight away.

Were is the best place to get the battery ( component shop ok )


4Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:01 pm




No worries.

JD Airsoft has almost all the important spares in stock, and he can sourse ones he hasn't got from the UK distributor within a couple of days or you could try Badger Tac who are also in the UK but he orders in any parts he may need.

They both have mags (both CTW metal and Vanaras plastic), Vanaras 6.03mm barrels and a choice of Lipo Batteries as well as loads of Gucci kit like RIS rails, torches, sights etc etc.

With regards to changing - I'd leave as standard and see how she performs.

Some key points -

1) Apply some silicone spray to your mags to get them to load up / release the BB's easier before you use them.
2) DO NOT put a 11.1V 2400 mah battery on a spring that is less than a 450 as although it will give you a great rate of fire it will probably smash most of the BB's as it cycles too quickly.
3) Before you pull the trigger, open her up and clean the barrel etc and if your comfortable open the cylinder and wipe out the insides and apply more grease on piston and piston head as they can be a little 'dry'

Any other questions feel free to ask - were here to help.


5Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:31 am



Sunray wrote:Trig,

2) DO NOT put a 11.1V 2400 mah battery on a spring that is less than a 450 as although it will give you a great rate of fire it will probably smash most of the BB's as it cycles too quickly.


hello my friend
i have a cylinder that is less than 450 FPS , i have try the Celcius 11.1 C 2400 mAH battery but it doesn't works ( burns the fuse ) , is this the reason or need modification ?it's the previus model ......if i put bigger cylinder will it work ?

6Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:57 am



if it burns the fuse, you have some other problem;
does it spins the motor for some time before it burns the fuse, or you just press the trigger and it burns instantly - if so, check the insulation for a short circuit..

the fuse burns even with the upper removed?

it could also be some motor problem or a mechanical block that brakes the motor and make the current go higher.

7Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:07 am



gycu wrote:if it burns the fuse, you have some other problem;
does it spins the motor for some time before it burns the fuse, or you just press the trigger and it burns instantly - if so, check the insulation for a short circuit..

the fuse burns even with the upper removed?

it could also be some motor problem or a mechanical block that brakes the motor and make the current go higher.

if i press the trigger it burns instantly , what is the insulation ?

8Mx2 3 rnd burst Empty Re: Mx2 3 rnd burst Fri Nov 11, 2011 4:29 am



it could be a short-circuit, caused by a broken wire insulation (When a non conducting material is used to isolate conducting materials from one another);

check that the two motor wires do not touch each other; either here or in your mosfet; if the wires aren't in good condition, you sould consider replacing then with new ones;

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