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Loose/Wobbly sector gear?

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1Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:53 am



I've picked up a MX2 CQBR a few weeks ago, apart from the original sector gear stripping within a few hundred rounds (now replaced with a new gearbox under warranty), all seems v.good.

One thing I've noticed with the new gearbox is that the sector gear is loose and I can wobble it around quite a bit. The original gearbox was not like this.

Is this normal? Any one else have a loose/wobbly sector gear without any problem? Or should I be worried?

2Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Re: Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:58 pm



Mine too is a little wobbly (oo err missus), but she works flawlessly.

Does it fire fine or have you noticed something not quite right?

3Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Re: Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:09 pm



Only just got it back in this condition yesterday. So far I've test fired about 20 shots and she seems fine.

I'm just a little worried that if this is a problem and have her fixed now before breaking down mid-game.

4Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Re: Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Fri Dec 23, 2011 3:05 pm



according to tackleberry the movement of the sector gear is totally normal. he says it also happens on the ptw

5Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Re: Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:51 am



The sector gear seems to wobble in all ctw's (I think ptw too - maybe not that much), but I afaik, this is not a problem/does not cause any problems.

6Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Empty Re: Loose/Wobbly sector gear? Mon Dec 26, 2011 4:33 pm



Thanks for the confirmation all. Much appreciated.

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