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cs 500 cylinder and stock motor

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1cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:58 pm




I bought cs500 cylinder and my 11,1 lipo 1350mAh doesn`t run it, stock cylinder runs ok....

question: if i buy 11,1V 2400mAh do u think that cs500 will be able to shoot at least single shot? or is stock motor just simply tooweak for this cs500 cylinder.

Thank you for answer. cheers

2cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty Re: cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:25 pm



The 2400mAh should do the trick, the discharging current is higher.
Although, the 500 fps cylinder can be very stressful to the internal components. You may already know this, I'm just saying..

3cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:31 pm



Yes its obvious...but to use for single shot i think it should be ok ( i have just semi and 3 round burst anyway) for a while...else ill just buy 140 spring, thats around 450fps if im not wrong rite?

4cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty Re: cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:07 am



Shooting on semi is more stressful than auto for a simple reason: it forces the motor to brake (active braking - at the end of the shot, it commands the motor to reverse, so it stops very quick) at each shot; on full_auto, it only brakes only after the last shot.

5cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty Re: cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:24 am



Very valid point and and yes the 2400 should work what is your 1350 battery c rating as you should be running at least a 20c battery

6cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Tue Mar 06, 2012 5:02 am



it is 20C. I am actually already thinking to change spring with weaker one, since i dont want to dammage parts in gearbox...but its bit hilarious...parts are not weak and gun gun itself is made to be resistant, but still u gotta be carefull with this things...i will test it thou for sure:)

U have any 450 or 400 spring? maybe i could just extend it and cut off small part, that should do the trick?

7cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Empty Re: cs 500 cylinder and stock motor Tue Mar 06, 2012 3:59 pm



Guys, active braking is not forcing the motor into reverse. It simply shorts the two terminals together thus turning the motor into a generator and making it produce drag.

The stress on gearboxes in these and AEG's is mainly from the pulse of power going into the motor when you first pull the trigger. Soft start can be used to reduce this (See the airsoftmechanics forum for more details). The ECU's might already be doing this, but I haven't seen the programming to check.

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