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CTW Stock Conversion

Husky 55
7 posters

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1CTW Stock Conversion Empty CTW Stock Conversion Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:38 pm

Husky 55


I was wondering if anybody here has successfully changed out the CTW Crane stock for an LE or similar style thin, retractable stock? I had heard that there was a mosfet that could be installed into the buffer tube that would allow for the room of a buffer tube lipo size battery? Thanks for the info.

2CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:58 pm



Husky 55 wrote:I was wondering if anybody here has successfully changed out the CTW Crane stock for an LE or similar style thin, retractable stock? I had heard that there was a mosfet that could be installed into the buffer tube that would allow for the room of a buffer tube lipo size battery? Thanks for the info.

Uhm.. the ECU is like a mosfet... all you have to do is cut the wires in the buffer tube abit short then put plugs on them.. use a magpul stock.. i belive the CTR fits (please correct me if im wrong guys), my friend has a CTW and he put on a AEG CTR magpul stock.. he fits the 1200mah 11.1volt lipo in the tupe. you cant push the stock all the way inn though,but its about where people tend to have it. You might have to sand it abit around inside the stock though to make it slide easier,but it does fit. Gonna get confirmation on the stock though, if its a CTR stock or not. I`ll post it tomorrow.

3CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:45 pm

Husky 55


Awesome. Ya please post whether or not it is a CTR. Has anyone else had any luck with non-real steal stocks working on the CTW?

4CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Mon Mar 07, 2011 9:47 pm



Lilostich has a CTR on his CTW.. just checked it now. He said you have to sand it abit inside to make it smoother to slide. It`s really really tight when it`s not sanded inside the tube of the stock.

5CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:06 am



My airsoft CTR stock is very tight on my PTW. The lock works fine. I never sanded anything on the tube or stock. I put the stock in the position I like and leave it.

6CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:24 pm



Save yourself the frustration. Buy a we wa or alike gas blow back stock. It will fit good and there not that expensive. But yes you can take any aeg stock and sand it and do that. Just more work in my opinion

7CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:44 pm

Husky 55


Well I will try my best to pick one up in the next few days then. While I'm asking, has anyone had any luck with AEG Magpul MOE hand guards fitting on a CTW? Prob not but thought I would ask.

8CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:55 pm



Husky 55 wrote:Well I will try my best to pick one up in the next few days then. While I'm asking, has anyone had any luck with AEG Magpul MOE hand guards fitting on a CTW? Prob not but thought I would ask.

Yes, can`t remember who... check out the Guns pictures section.. somewhere there is a guy with a full magpul kit on his CTW. Smile

9CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:46 pm



I also would like to do something similar with my ctw. Magpul's slimmer profiled stocks are neat =D

I had a chat with a Celcius/AsiaRsoft staff member today, and he's also trying to figure this one out. So far he suggested removing the fuse altogether and sticking in a smaller MaH lipo. Would be nice if streamlining work could be done to the fuse assembly to accommodate the above. Discussion is ongoing.

I'll be revisiting them again and I'll keep you guys posted. If there's a will, theres gotta be a way.

10CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:48 pm



Konbini wrote:I also would like to do something similar with my ctw. Magpul's slimmer profiled stocks are neat =D

I had a chat with a Celcius/AsiaRsoft staff member today, and he's also trying to figure this one out. So far he suggested removing the fuse altogether and sticking in a smaller MaH lipo. Would be nice if streamlining work could be done to the fuse assembly to accommodate the above. Discussion is ongoing.

I'll be revisiting them again and I'll keep you guys posted. If there's a will, theres gotta be a way.

Guys.... lol! You can put a CTR stock on the buffertube.. you just pull out the wires in the tube, cut them shorter... the put new plugs on the wires,then you will fit a 1200mah 11.1volt in the Tube.. abit will stick out,so you can`t push the stock all the way in. But who has the stock all the way inn anyways? That`s how simple that conversion is. cheers

11CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:17 pm



Hi guyes! I did this convertion to the CTW of a fellow friend of Odin and myself. I had to cut the wires and do some soldering work for it to be done. For ease and better connectivity I changed the mini type connector for a T type deans connector.

The 11.1V lopo is a tight fit, but will slide inside the CTW buffertube fairly easy, and I see that Odin mentions that there will be a litte bit og the battery and connector sticking outside the buffertube. So could not fully retract the stock.

This is an issue I will have to find a solution to, because I would really like to have the uppertunity to fully retract my stock. So I will be on the lookout for a smaller (physical size, but not weaker in power) 11.1v lipo that will slide easyer inside the CTW buffertube and allow for the stock to be fully retractable..


12CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:03 pm



I have done another stock mod and will now post some pictures of a few of the most vital steps to make room for a lipo type battery inside the CTW stock tube..

Remove the stock tube and remove the rubber coating from the wires leaving about an inch sticking out of the ecu unit.

CTW Stock Conversion 02042011170

Assemble the stock tube again, gently put the lipo inside and shorten the wires to the desired length.

CTW Stock Conversion 02042011172

I have added a piece of heatshrink around the wires so that they are more robust where they might rub a bit against the buffertube.

CTW Stock Conversion 02042011173

Finally solder the connector to the wires. I prefer a T-type deans connector..

CTW Stock Conversion 03042011181

There you go! Install the battery and enjoy whatever stock you prefer that fits the CTW stocktube (commercial version)..


13CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:45 am



Is there any chance to mount the CTR-Stock WITHOUT cutting the cables?!? I want to use the normal SOPMOD-Stock too.
CTR on the last tick of the tube and a shorter LiPo?

14CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:57 pm



Well..the type of lipo I am using is a very short one with 10cm length that will allow for cables and connections behind the battery inside the Magpul stock. But I guess you can get it to work as long as the lipo fits inside the buffertube and it still leaves room for cables and connections..

Remember to get the real deal commercial version Magpul CTR stock that will slide on/off perfectly and fit the CTW buffertube without any hassle. PTS versions or any other Milspec siced Magpul stocks will be too tight to fit the CTW buffertube without modefication..


15CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:46 pm



Oh ... thank you for the fast response!

Yes, I know. I've ordered the Commercial-Version!!!

What type of LiPo do you use? I want to get one FireFox-LiPo. There's a smaler Version? Can you post the Link to me? I think, a smaler version fits better. The FireFox is still 12,5 cm long. To much, I think.

16CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:22 pm



I got the black Firefox 11.1v 1100mah (15C) Li-Polymer battery (size 10cm x 1.5 cm x 1.5cm), but for some reason it gives the CTW extreme ROF for and makes the CTW feed badly and slizes BBs even with the larger Deepfire barrel installed..waaaay too fast for the CTW to cope with!

My team mate uses the blue Firefox 11.1v 1200mah (20C) Li-Polymer battery (size: 12cm x 2cm x 1.5cm...i think) with no feeding issues due to battery. So I think the blue one is the way to go..


17CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:24 pm



Where do you buy this FireFox-LiPo??? I can't find smaller sized LiPo's then my FireFox-LiPo (12,5 cm) - just like the LiPo's of your team.

The part with the extreme RoF doesn't matter in germany - we only can use the semi-modus. The germany politics doesn't allow the full-auto!!! In semi the same problems? I don't think so.

Thank you!!!

18CTW Stock Conversion Empty Re: CTW Stock Conversion Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:26 pm



I have a couple of links for you..

EgoAirsoft - Firefox 11.1V LiPo 21.99USD (free ship)

EBairsoft - Firefox 11.1V LiPo 21.80USD (free ship)

Lucky you only can fire the CTW in semi auto then, because the feeding issue due to too high rof with these Firefox batteries will not be a problem for you!


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